XI. The Truth

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The two boys woke up the next morning the same way they fell asleep. They slept peacefully through the whole night. Both Mike and Will were equally well rested and ready to start their  day.
"Morning sleepy head" Mike said to Will as Will sat up straight.
"Good morning" Will replied. "How did you sleep?"
"Pretty good, i'm assuming you slept the same?"Mike said
"Yeah, i slept good. " Will said as he stood up off the bed and began to stretch.
Will stretched himself out and looked at the clock that read "10:00AM". Will didn't realize he had been asleep for that long. He gathered up some clean clothes and went to the bathroom across the hall for a shower.
Mike laid in bed and waited for Will to finish his shower. The Wheelers had another bathroom downstairs, but Mike wasn't feeling going down there this morning since it was really cold. 
Will didn't take as long as he usually did is the shower, but he didn't want to get out because of how cold it was in the Wheeler's house. It was November, but today was colder than it has been the past few days.
Will got out of the shower and walked back to Mike's room, giving Mike his queue to go to the bathroom for his shower. Mike went over to his closet and pulled out a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt and walked out the door to go to the bathroom. While Mike was showering, Will grabbed the blanket off of his air mattress off the floor and wrapped himself in it. He sat on Mike's bed and began to draw some pictures while he waited for his friend to return.

Mike took his shower, brushed his teeth, got dressed, and walked back to his room. Mike smiled when he saw Will sitting on his bed wrapped in a blanket.
"Cold?" Mike said.
"Freezing actually." Will said with a smile.
"Here, take this" Mike said as he walked over to his closet and pulled out a sweatshirt. He threw the sweatshirt at Will.
The sweatshirt said "Hawkins Phys.Ed" on the front and had the word "Wheeler" across the back. Will unraveled from his blanket and pulled the sweatshirt over his head.
"Thanks" Will said.
"Don't worry about it Will" Mike said as he wrapped his arm around Will's shoulders.
The two made their way out of the room and downstairs to the kitchen where Karen and Joyce were making breakfast. It was already almost 11 when the boys finished their showers and got downstairs, and they were still the first ones up!
Hopper sat down at the table with the two boys and ate their breakfast.
"So how was the movie last night boys?"  Hopper asked.
"Good, I went to bed before it was over" Will said. "I got really tired"
"Yeah it got kinda boring after a while" Mike said.
"Well that's too bad, at least you both got a lot of sleep" Hopper said, winking at Mike, causing Mike to choke on his glass of orange juice.
"Anyways, El is coming back over again tonight because Max and her family are going away for the holiday. She'll be staying here for the weekend. " Hopper said.
Will groaned under his breath because he knew she would try to get close with Mike again and Will didn't want that. Mike however, didn't seem to feel the same way. Mike's eyes lit up when Hopper told him that Eleven was staying for the weekend. When Will saw how mike reacted, He excused himself from the table.
"Where ya going Will" Mike said as Will got up from the table.
"I uh just am not feeling the best all the sudden. Just gonna go lay down." Will tried to explain himself.
Will got up from the table and walked downstairs to the basement and sat on the couch. He began to pick at his fingers when he heard the basement door open.
Joyce came walking down the basement stairs and sat down next to Will.
"Hey kiddo. Hopper told me you weren't feeling good, is everything okay?" Joyce said as she put her hand on Will's forehead to check his temperature.
"I'm fine mom. I just got uncomfortable at the table and needed an excuse to leave." Will replied.
"Why did you get uncomfortable sweetheart" Joyce said with concern.
"Well Hopper was just telling us about how Eleven is coming to stay. I don't know Mike just looked really excited that she was coming and i got uncomfortable" Will explained.
"Well honey him and Eleven are close, he hasn't seen her that much." Joyce said. "I understand that Mike's your friend but he's El's friend too."
"I guess I just get uncomfortable when he spends time around Eleven. " Will said
"It's okay to be jealous sometimes Will, it's a normal human thing" Joyce said
"I-i'm not jealous " Will said, looking down.
"Honey, I see the way you look at him, and i also see the way he looks at you. You guys are best friends, maybe even more than that, but i can promise you that he'll never put anyone else before you. Okay?" Joyce said trying to cheer up her son. 
"What if we were more than just f-friends mom? Is that okay?" Will said as tears filled his eyes.
"Absolutely. I will always love you no matter how you choose to live your life." Joyce told him. "I do have to ask, are you more than friends?"
"i don't know. I think i like him a lot mom." Will said as he began to cry.
Joyce pulled her boy into a warm hug to try and calm him down. She knew this was a tough talk to have at any age, but she was pleased that Will opened up to her about his feelings toward Mike. Joyce knew this was going to be something Will had to tell Mike on his own, and she also knew that if Mike didn't feel the same, Will would be crushed.

Hi everyone! thank you so much for reading this story. I'm sorry i haven't been updating as often as i was before, i recently started school and i've been really busy. Hope everyone is staying safe and healthy💗💗

word count - 1056

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