XXVI. Going, Going, Gone.

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Mike barely slept that night. He couldn't stop thinking about how Will had to leave the next day. Will woke up not too long after 9 am, but he played it off as if he was still sleeping in order to stay with Mike a little bit longer. Eventually, both boys were forced out of bed by Joyce who came upstairs to wake them up and call them down for breakfast. The last meal Will would eat with the Wheeler's was fluffy pancakes with bacon on the side and a tall glass of orange juice.

After breakfast concluded, Mike helped Will put all of his things in the trunk of the Byer's family car. Will wouldn't be leaving for a few more minutes, but Joyce wanted the car to be pre-packed so they weren't running around last minute shoving things in the car. Once everything was loaded into the car, the boys went and sat on the living room couch. Mike was still wearing his comfy pajama pants and a tee shirt and Will was wearing Mike's hoodie and sweatpants. Mike told Will he could keep his hoodie and sweatpants and take then home to his new house as something Will could snuggle with while he and Mike were so far apart.

The two boys sat on the couch, Mike with his arm around Will, and Will rested his head into Mike's chest. They were both snuggling on the couch before Hopper sat on the chair across the couch with a bag from radio shack.

"Hey boys, whats going on?" He said to the boys.

"Nothing much." Mike replied for both of them.

"Well guys, the parents and I got you a little gift, we figured you all could use a little something to make your life a little better." Hopper began to say as he pulled two large, brick-sized boxes out of the bag. Both were wrapped in Christmas wrapping paper even though Christmas was a few days ago. There was one last box in the bag, for El.

Mike and Will began pulling paper off of the boxes and were pleased to see two cell phones. The phones were called bricks, since they were the size of a typical house brick. No texting on them, but now the boys had a way of keeping in touch on the privacy of their own phones. Mike and Will were both so happy they could cry. They both stood up immediately gave Hopper a huge hug and nearly made him tip over.

"Thank you so much Hop" Will said.

Hopper wasn't exactly Will's dad, but he was the closest thing he had ever had to a loving father growing up. Will's real dad, Lonnie, had never cared for him as much as Hopper did. 

The two "cell phones" were already pre set up with numbers, so they boys quickly jotted down each others numbers to call; it was almost as if they saw a glimmer of hope in all the sadness of their last day. 

The two boys sat back down on the couch and snuggled for a bit before it was finally time to say their goodbyes. Mike and Will hugged each other for what felt like forever before Mike finally pulled him away to sneak his last kiss from the love of his life. Everyone was sad and crying and didn't want anyone to leave. 

Mike and Will held onto their last few moments together, until finally, they had to separate, and Will had to leave. Will said his goodbyes to Max, Dustin, Steve and Robin. Lucas didn't show up to the Wheelers house, not to anyone surprise. Will finally gave Mike his final hug, sat in the car, buckled his seatbelt, and watched as his boyfriend stood and cried in his driveway as Joyce began to pull the car out. 

The sadness finally began to set in once Will saw the sign, that stupid sign. "Leaving Hawkins" It make Will feel even worse about leaving than he did before. 

He slept the whole drive back to his huge house, until he was woken up by the sudden stop of the car. Will knew they were back at his house. Will knew that once he went into his home, the whole "back home" feeling would finally set in. Will missed Mike so much already.

Will very slowly pulled himself out of the car and began to walk to the trunk to get his bags. He grabbed both of his and one of Eleven's. He walked his bags up to the front steps of his house, that were almost like a sheet of ice they were so slippery.

Joyce was quickly rummaging through her bag to find her house key and dropped it on the icy stairs, causing it to go flying. Will, not wanted to stand in the cold any longer, reached his hand out and immediately, the key shot up from the ground and into his hand. Even though what he did shocked her, Joyce was proud of her son for learning control, she just hoped that El wouldn't find out about Will's new "powers".

Once the whole Byer's family was back in their house, Will began to unpack his suitcases. His room was extremely orderly for just being unpacked. His new bed was built and made and hasn't been slept in in about 3 months. All of his clothes that he had in his suitcase were washed in the Wheeler house the day before they left, Mike's clothing included. Will was surprised to see, however, a lot of items that didn't belong to him.

Hidden in his suitcase were a few "Hawkins PD." and 'Hawkins Phys.Ed" tee shirts, sweat pants, and sweatshirts. There was one sweatshirt in particular, was familiar. It was the sweatshirt Mike lent to him on NYE. It was black and had "Hawkins Phys.ed" on the front and the word "WHEELER" across the back. Will threw the sweatshirt on and continued to unpack until all of his bags were empty. Once he was done, he plopped down on his bed and chose to get a shower after his long, cold day of travel. 

After his shower, Will dressed in the black sweatshirt, some of his own plaid pj pants, and the gold necklace Mike had given him for Christmas. He walked out to his kitchen, where Hopper was on the phone ordering pizza. Will had wondered why Mike hadn't called him yet, but he knew that when Mike was upset, he usually wanted to spend that time by himself. 

Hopper ordered some delivery pizza for dinner tonight, since there was obviously no food in the house. The family ate and cleaned up their meal and watched a movie. Once the movie was over, Will and El walked together down the hallway to get to their bedrooms.

"Hey Will." She asked.

"Yeah whats up" He answered.

"Why are you wearing Mike's clothes?" 

leaving this on a quite cliffhanger (remember, el doesn't know about their relationship) 

love u guys a lot, thanks for the support. make sure you go check out my other book "seams", a fack fanfic! love u all sm

word count : 1192

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