XXII. Christmas Morning.

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It was Christmas morning and Mike and Will were happier than ever to be a couple finally. The only thing in the world that could ruin their happiness right now was the demogorgon possibly coming back again, which would never happen.
Mike and Will woke up earliest on Christmas morning, Will was still wearing his necklace from Mike. They both were still in their pajamas and were struggling to stay awake, but they stayed excited about the tree filled with presents. The two made their way downstairs with the rest of their family to sit down to a breakfast feast prepared by the parents and opening presents in the living room. They then al sat together and watched Christmas movies on the TV until it was time for dinner. Mike and Will were both snuggling on the couch under a blanket, while everyone else sat in the living room with them. Will fell asleep eventually on Mike's lap, and Mike wrapped his arm around Will and began to run his fingers through Will's hair, causing Will to relax more into the taller boy.
Hopper and Joyce sat on the couch next to Mike and Wills with smiles on their faces. They both knew that both boys were finally happy and nothing in the world could ruin it for them.
The day went on as a typical Christmas would, Mike's family came over and he introduced Will as his boyfriend, which made Will smile. Karen and Ted, Mike's parents, were extremely pleased with their son and how he has figured himself out by age 17.
After all the family left the house, it was almost 10pm, meaning it was time for Will to head up to bed. Will went upstairs with Mike trailing behind him. Will began to undress himself in Mike's room, facing the closet so Mike wouldn't see him shirtless. Mike knew better than to disrespect Wills wishes. Once Will and Mike were dressed, Mike ran to the bathroom to brush his teeth and brush his hair. When Mike came back into the room, he saw Will standing by his bedroom window, watching the christmas lights on the neighbors house change color.
"Are you doing that?" Mike asked, wrapping his arms around Will, hugging him from behind and resting his head on Wills shoulder.
"Yeah, I'm learning how to control it, watch this" Will said.
Just as he said that, he made the lights on the neighbors house begin to flash in a pattern, red, green, red, green....
"That's really cool Will, I'm happy for you" Mike said in reply, gently pulling the smaller boy away from the cold window sill and over to Mike's bed. Mike sat down and rested his back up against the wall. Will sat to the right of him and rested his head in Mike's lap. Mike began to comb through Will's fluffy hair with his fingers and the boys began to talk about general things that boys talk about.
The door to Mike's room was cracked, not completely closed yet, but it almost was. Which meant if someone walked by, they can see Mike's bed. Jonathan walked past the boys room to get to Nancy's, and felt a sense of comfort wash over him as he saw how happy Will finally was. He had been unhappy for so long since the accident in 7th grade, but Will finally was the happy young boy he used to be. Jonathan knocked at the door and peeked his head in.
"Hey, don't stay up too much longer, it's almost midnight and we're going to the movies in the morning" He said to Mike and Will
"Okay, we're getting ready to go to bed now." Will said, getting up from Mike's lap and standing up off the bed. "Can i talk to you for a sec Jonathan?"
"Sure buddy what's up", Jonathan said, walking Will out the door and down the hallway a little.
"Do you think Mike and I will be able to last once we go back home?" Will said in almost a whisper
"Definitely, i'll take you to come see him whenever you want to, okay? promise. " Jonathan said back, giving Will a pat on the head and sending him back into Mike's room.
Will got back into Mike's room and sat down next to Mike, who was already under the blankets waiting for Will. Will got under the blankets and this time, Mike clung onto Will. Mike rested his head into Will's chest and Will wrapped his arms around Mike.
"Hey Will" Mike said quietly.
"Yeah Mike?" Will answered.
"I love you " Mike said, closing his eyes and falling asleep.
"I love you too" Will said, falling asleep holding Mike.

hey guys, i had another idea of doing a Fack fanfic maybe?? all for fun tho. sorry this chapters a little short. i love you all so much. thank u for 1.4k reads❤️
word count 823

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