X. The Party

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Will sat in the basement picking at his fingernails for almost 10 minutes before he was interrupted by Eleven and Max coming in through the basement door. Will forgot that today was the day Max, El, Dustin, Lucas, Mike, and Will were all hanging out for the first time since Will and El had arrived back in Hawkins. Why did he forget? The reason is sitting up two flights of stairs sitting on his bed. Will hadn't thought about anything other than Mike the whole time he's been home. Will stood up and greeted his friend Max with a hug and then gave El a hug since he hadn't seen her since they arrived in Hawkins. Will's fingers were bleeding from all his anxious picking. Max noticed Will's hands and held them up to her face for a closer look.

"Mike?" Max asked Will with a smirk on her face.

Will pulled his hands away and his face began to turn red. He shoved his hands in his pockets out of embarrassment and began to walk up the stairs with the girls.

They walked into the kitchen and were greeted by the parents. Mike was still upstairs in his bedroom with the door locked, thinking about the kiss with Will. Will told the girls he was going upstairs to get Mike. He walked up the stairs and knocked on Mike's door. Mike jumped when he heard the knock because he was so deep in his thoughts about Will. He stood up off the bed and walked over to the door to unlock it. Mike opened his door and found Will staring him dead in the eyes.

"Oh hey Will, Whats up" Mike said smiling.

"T-the girls are h-here" Will said, blushing and picking at his fingers.

"Oh okay, I'll be down in a sec" Mike replied.

Will quickly turned around and tried to walk out the door but was stopped by Mike pulling him in to another kiss in the doorway. Will pulled away and looked at Mike with wide eyes.

"I'm... sorry." Mike said as his smile turned into a more concerned face, since he felt like he invaded Will's privacy.

"It's fine, I just wasn't expecting that." Will said as he blushed and smiled at Mike.

"We should probably head downstairs" Mike said as he pulled away from Will.

"Y-yeah, Max and El are probably waiting." Will said as the two walked out the door and down the stairs.

Just as Mike and Will made it downstairs, Dustin and Lucas bursted through the front door of the Wheeler household. Everyone exchanged hugs and eventually all the kids migrated to the basement. Lucas and Max sat on spare couch cushions set up on the floor, Dustin and Will sat across from each other at the table, and El and Mike sat on the couch. The party decided to watch a movie. They chose to watch Back to the Future. That was one of Will's favorite films.
The whole party sat and watched the movie, except Will. Will's eyes were glued to how close Eleven kept getting to Mike. Mike told Will that he didn't want to be with Eleven anymore, so why would he be allowing her to act like this around him? Will met his wits end when El rested her head on Mike's shoulder once the movie hit the halfway mark. This caused Will's face to turn red and he began to pick at his fingers.
"Hey guys i-i'm gonna head up to bed" Will said, faking a smile.
Everyone nodded and Will ran up the stairs. He was frustrated and confused. He didn't understand why Mike would say he wanted Will, but then be lovey with El right in front of Will. All these emotions caused Will to stomp
quite loudly up the stairs and into Mikes room. Will didn't realize he was being loud until he slammed Mike's door shut behind him and threw himself to the floor on his air mattress. Will sat up straight and began to pick at his nails while he thought of Mike and Eleven potentially getting back together.

Meanwhile, back in the basement, the rest of the party finished the movie. Eleven had now migrated so close to Mike that she was almost completely taking his seat. She was holding his arm and had her head resting on his shoulder when Mike finally felt that enough was enough. However, Mike let her do it until the movie was over since there was only a few minutes left. Mike knew that Will was upset and was hesitant when it came to going back upstairs once everyone left, but by the time everyone left his house and he got himself ready for bed, Will was already fast asleep on his air mattress on the floor.

Mike laid down on the mattress next to Will and faced him. Will's eyes opened due to the change in air pressure and saw Mike staring back at him. The initial sight scared him a little but the feeling was gone when he realized it was just Mike. Mike put his hand on Will's cheek and began to whisper. 
"Im sorry, She doesn't understand the concept of being broken up." Mike said while rubbing his thumb up and down on Will's cheek.
"It's fine, just try to not let it happen again. " Will said back.
Mike nodded, and turned over onto his back and sat up straight.
"Where are you going" Will questioned.
"Cmon up into my bed silly" Mike said.
The two moved up to Mikes large queen sized bed and stared at the ceiling. Will eventually nuzzled himself into Mike's chest and fell fast asleep. Mike fell asleep shortly after Will, with his arm wrapped around him.
Hopper walked by Mike's room and saw the two boys through a crack in Mike's door. He smiled a warm smile, and pulled the door completely shut and walked back to his room to tell Joyce what he had just seen. Hopper knew that this was going to be a talk that Joyce would encounter with Will eventually, but he also knew that it was a talk he almost encountered with Mike a few days before. Both boys seemed happy normally, but they were happy when they we're together.

shorty type chapter. Love u all
word count -1064

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