XXVIII. Break my Heart

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Once Will and El arrived at school, the two went to their lockers and then separated for the day. Will met up with Tyler, his tour guide from the first day, and his only friend in the whole entire school before walking to the first period. Since Will and Tyler had the same schedule, he had a friend to hang out with all day.

"Hey Will! How was your break?" Tyler said.

"Really good, how was yours?" He replied.

"Eh, it was okay, Ava and I broke up, but it was for the best. We decided to still be friends, a couple isn't really for us." Tyler began explaining.

"Im sorry Ty, are you doing okay?"

"Im fine, I'm more interested in your break with Mikeeee" Tyler said, pushing Will around just how Hopper had, to embarrass him. 

"Stop stop " Will said giggling, " We'll talk about It later."

Little did Tyler and Will know that El had just heard everything they were saying since she was going to turn around to go back to her locker. She had stopped when she heard Ty mention Mike's name, in order to be able to eavesdrop. Eleven was confused as to why Tyler would be talking about Mike in that way to Will, but she would wait until after school to question anything. 

Will and Tyler went to their first 4 classes together and then finally it was time for lunch. They sat alone at the same table they always sat at, and began to discuss Will's break with Mike.

"Well, i got there and -" Will was cut off.

"Okay Will we only have THIRTY MINUTES! Get to the good stuff!!" Tyler said, he was a HUGE Mike and Will fan even though he had never actually met Mike before. 

"Okay okay fine, were a couple but just don't tell anyone, especially El because she doesn't know and he is her ex. "

"When are you planning on telling her?" Ty said

"Uh yeah, i haven't thought about that" Will began to say, " Im kinda afraid of how shell react." 

"Well you're gonna have to tell her eventually, she is your sister." Tyler said.

Eleven wasn't actually  Will's sister, but everyone at the new school thought they were biological siblings. Will figured that was one good thing about his move, a fresh start. He didn't mind being referred to as El's brother however, because he loved Eleven and he did see her as a sister he never had. His relationship with her has become so strong that he knew he could tell her anything, except his relationship with Mike. That feels like its the most difficult conversation to have.

The two boys finished out their school day and Jonathan picked up Will and El at the front doors to drive them home. Once at home, Will and El both dropped their bags near the front door and walked into the kitchen. Will got himself a drink and sat at the island, watching the TV that had been left on all day. El got herself a snack and went over to sit on the couch. Joyce arrived from work not far after the kids got home from school and Will jumped up from his seat when he noticed his mom struggling to carry in groceries. 

"Thanks Willy, i appreciate it" She said.

"Mhm" Will said, placing the bags on the counter.

"How was school today kids?" Joyce said.

"Fine." El said from the couch, obviously in a bad mood.

El was more so confused than anything, since she didn't really understand what was going on between Mike and Will. 

"You okay sweetie, you sound upset" Joyce said as she began unpacking groceries with Will.

"Im fine", El said, giving Will a dirty look and walking down the hallway to her room

"Do you know what that was about?" Joyce said.

"Not a clue." Will said back to her.

Will gave his mom a hug and walked down to his room and did his homework while his mom cooked dinner. When his homework was done, Will changed into the same pajamas he wore last night, and went out to the kitchen to eat. He took a seat at the island next to El and he began to eat what his mom had prepared for them.

"Why were you and Tyler talking about Mike today?" El said out of nowhere.

Will choked on his dinner at the mention of the conversations with Tyler, since he didn't know El had heard them talking.

"Wha- What?" He said with food in his mouth.

"I heard you talking." She said.

Luckily for Will, Joyce and Hopper were also eating in the kitchen, so he hoped that one of them would help him. 

"We were just talking about the trip." Will lied.

"Do you like Mike?" El said. 

Eleven still has yet to develop a filter when it comes to spreading her thoughts. She just says what she has to say all the time and doesn't think anything of it,

"I mean yeah we're friends" Will said before El began to talk over him.

"I heard Hopper talking to you in the hallway last night too. Why were you up so late on the phone with him? And why are you still wearing his clothes? Do you like him?"

"Why do you have to question everything I do?" Will snapped, obviously overwhelmed at Eleven's interest in Mike.

"Woah, lets calm down and enjoy dinner okay? Your mom worked hard." Hopper said, trying to keep the peace. 

"Yeah, we can talk about this later El." Will said, calming down.

"I don't want to talk about it later, I want to know why you're so obsessed with Mike." She said, finally breaking Will.

Will slammed his utensils down on the table and aggressively got up from his seat and went to his room. He slammed his door so hard he almost broke it out of the wall and threw himself on his bed. He began to cry out of frustration.

Why would El act like that?

He began to think about how much he missed Mike and how much he could use a hug from him right now. Will spent the rest of his night, locked in his room until he got a knock on the door.

"Hey kid c'mon let me in, its Hop. I just want to talk"

Will was unsure about opening the door since he knew he was going to have to have yet another conversation with Hop while he was feeling low. Will caved, and opened the door, turning around and walking back into his bed before Hop could see the redness in his eyes. Hopper shut the door behind him and walked over and sat on the edge of Will's bed. Will laid facing the wall, not Hop.

"Kid I'm sorry about what happened at dinner"

"Not you're fault." Will said.

"I already talked to El, she does feel bad for talking to you like that." Hopper said.

Will turned around and sat up next to Hopper on the edge of the bed. 

"Im sorry i yelled like that." Will said softly, " And I'm sorry that i walked out and slammed my door."

"Its alright kid, you don't have to feel bad. You were upset, Your mom and I understand that."

"Did you tell El the truth?" Will asked.

"I did." Hopper answered.


"Shes confused, she doesn't really get it, but with time shell begin to understand. She loves you and looks up to you Will, she would never do anything to hurt you." Hopper said

"I know, I'll talk to her in the morning, i need to apologize"

Idk if this chapter makes any sense but i wanted to show an emotional moment between El and Will in the next few chapters. I love you all, thank you for supporting me <333

word count 1278

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