Chapter 1

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Hi My name is Hunter Stevens and No I'm not a Hunter. Sorry about that, I joke a lot. Any who I'm the quarterback of my schools football team. I was adopted by my adopted parents but I no longer live with either of them and haven't since I was thirteen and my oldest brother took me in but I still saw my parents until last year but I will go into all that later.

Today is my first day back at school and then tomorrow I have a court date I have to go to but my girlfriend Summer is coming with me along with my best friend Jacob and Brother Kane.

Kane: Up and at them, Babyboy

See another thing is I'm the youngest of all my siblings Kane being the oldest at 39. His fortieth birthday is coming up and Ssh I'm going to ask him to adopt me, I already call him Dad and his Husband Papa. This means all my siblings call me babyboy and are very protective

Me: Coming Old Man

Kane: Babe he's calling me old man again  

Me: Stuff it Old man 

 Kane: Up and at them you have school 

I get up and see Kane ready for work

Me: You got work this morning

Kane: Yeah so does James so could you take the girls to school 

Me: Of course, Summer will be getting a ride with us aswell

James: Guessed she would be

Kane: she coming tomorrow

Me: Yeah 

We soon start eating when both my nieces come downstairs 

Mai: Morning Loser

Me: Mai don't call you Dad a loser 

Mai: I meant you 

Kane: Oi don't call you're uncle a loser

Me: Yeah or I won't drop you of at school

Mai: Like you have a choice

Kane: You could take the bus Mai

Mai: Ugh 

Aqua: Daaaadddddddyyyyyy!!!!!

Kane: Hi sweetpea

 See my brother might look tough on the outside and towards criminals but at home he is the biggest softie there is and loves his Daughter Aqua, who is his biological daughter through surrogacy, they have a baby boy coming also through surrogacy but it is going to be James's biological son. Mai is there adopted daughter.

James: Earth to Hunter

Before I could speak hands go over my eyes and I hear the softest cutest voice of my girlfriend Summer

Summer: Guess who 

Me: Is this Dove cameron

Summer: Hahaha

Me: Hey Babygirl 

Summer: So you did know it was me 

Me: Of course I would recognise your voice anywhere

Aqua: SumSum

Aqua calls Summer SumSum and adores her

Summer: Hey Princess 

Aqua: I wove you

Summer: I love you too but ssh don't tell your uncle I love you more

Me: I'm right here 

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