Chapter 18

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The girls soon finish in the shop and comes out so Kye and Star go to Belle after saying bye to us and Summer gets in our car and so does Mai.

Me: What shop do you want to go to mai

Mai: Target please

Me: Of course

Summer: Hey Babe, how was Theo today

Me: He was very well behaved

Mai: He's cute 

Summer: He defiantly is 

Mai: Again I'm really sorry about how I treated you both

Summer: Mai I told you when we were shopping we do not blame you what so ever but you need to tell your parents what has been going on

Mai: But Dad will be mad

Me: They both will but they need to know Mai papa think you don't love them anymore

Mai: I do love them though

Summer: We know that but you haven't been acting like it.

Mai: I know 

We soon get to the supermarket and we start to get Theo out when I had a thought of doing the proposal now.

Summer: Babe do you think Theo might be a bit hot

Me: Yeah I think he is you ok to take it off

Summer: Yeah I'm fine

She goes and unzip his coat and all we hear is a squeal and she comes running up to me.

Summer: Yes Baby I will go to prom with you on one condition

Me: What's that

Summer: If the other man in my life can come

Me: I should be your only man in your life

Summer: I meant our son

Me: Well obviously he is coming with us

Mai: Can we go in now

Summer: Of course

 We go in to Target and get the ingredient Mai needs and some food for Summer and I's flat. Soon we have made our way back to Dad's and Papa's house to help Mai cook as Mai and I were cooking, Summer was playing with Aqua.

Mai: Thank you for doing this for me 

Me: Mai you are my little sister 

Mai: I know but I have been horrible to you and I know you didn't need it when you were going though all of theses court dates you have this past year and nearly losing Theo

Me: Mai you know full well we forgive you for this

We carry on talking and cooking and soon she put the lasagne in the oven and we hang out for a bit.

Mai: Hunter, Summer can you stay while I talk to Dad and Papa

Summer: Only if you really want us to 

Mai: Yes please

Soon Dad and Papa arrive back home, Max had gone out with Jacob when we arrived.

Dad: What is that smell

Mai: Hey Daddy, I cooked lasagne

Dad: Hey sweetheart and thank you, hey Summer and Hunter

Summer: Hi Kane, James

Papa: Mai darling why you cook us dinner

Mai: To apologize for what I have been like this past year 

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