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20 years later

It has been 20 years since Summer and I got married, we now have four children, Theo is 20 and went to college for law he also have been with his boyfriend for 11 years but actually its been five years properly who both Summer and I love, then we have 18 year old Kane, he is named after my Dad Kane who sadly died six months before Kane was born after being shot when he was working a case, I became a famous Nfl player I am now retired and I coach with Kye at our old school. Kye and Lucas got married and Kye adopted both of Lucas's children turned out Lucas's "girlfriend" was wanted in different states Belle and Maya was sentenced for a long time. Our second youngest is 16 and we called him Finn and then our surprise baby who is 4 months old Rosie. Callum and Lucy got married and had a child but soon found out Lucy started cheating on Callum so Callum became a single Dad and he is happy about that and also happy that his son is my sons boyfriend, yep turned out Lucy was pregnant at our wedding and gave birth to a beautiful babyboy called owen. These's past twenty years have been the best and we have always planned to grow old together but that all changed when Summer was 5 months pregnant and we found out she had cancer and because she was too far along they didn't want to give her treatment.

I go upstairs and see Summer very weak, it is killing her and I hate it, I go and cuddle her

Summer: Look after ours kids when I'm gone and find someone who loves you 

Me: Baby don't talk like that

Summer: Babe I know you don't want to admit it but I'm dying

Next thing I know she closes her eyes and her breathing slowed down

Me: Baby please wake up. please 

I scream knowing she's gone

Kane's Pov

Finn and I walk into the house to hear screaming and dad yelling, today must have been the day, I turned to Finn

Me: Call Theo he has the closest relationship to Dad

Finn goes off and I call the ambulance. soon they come and so does Theo

Theo: Where's Dad

Me: In his room

Theo goes running upstairs and soon we see him helping Dad downstairs 

Dad: She's gone

Theo: Dad we all knew this day would come 

Dad: But not like this

Me: Dad mum died where she was happiest in your arms

Theo: Finn, Kane pack your bags and Rosie's and Dad you guys are coming to stay with Me and Owen

We go and pack and soon we are on the way to Theo's house and Owen comes out and help us take everything to our rooms and soon we all eat apart from Dad who is refusing

Theo: Dad I know you love her but she wouldn't want you to be like this 

Dad: We been together since we were fourteen

Owen: Hunter keep all those memories and remember her for all the good parts and we are all here for you 

Dad: Thank you 

He eventually started eating and then we sit and watch home videos after putting Rosie to sleep 

Six years later

Theo's Pov

It has been six years since Mum died and Dad has managed to grief, Kye has helped massively and I think there is something there and before anyone says Kye is married, Lucas sadly passed away a few weeks after Mum, his ex girlfriend was released and came back and shot Lucas in front of a tied up Kye she was going to shoot Kye but Dad came by needing his best friends and so did Max and Jacob along with Callum. Oh and I'm offically married.

Owen: Babe come here

I run to where he is., he has been really ill lately. I see him in tears holding a stick

Me: What's wrong baby

Owen: Your going to hate me and think I'm a freak

Me: Baby tell me

Owen: I'm pregnant

I go up to him and spin him around 

Me: I'm going to be a dad 

He nods and we book an appointment to make sure.

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