Chapter 4

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It has been a few days since court and Kane, James and Summers parents are taking us on a little vacation tomorrow to celebrate our win. Max and Jacob are also coming along with Summer and her family and a little surprise for Summer her older brother Kieran is coming back for a few weeks from the Army.  

Summer: Hey Babe

I lean down and kiss her just to be shoved and we look up to see it was Pearl. Since last week she has hated me even more and she hates the fact that Summer lives with me. 

Me: It's Kane's birthday this weekend and I have all the paperwork

Summer: That's good babe, he is going to say yes

Me: I know 

We soon finish school and go home and pack for the weekend. Soon we fall asleep in each others arms. 

We wake up the next day and go downstairs but I collect Kane's present as it is his birthday today. 

Kane: Good morning lovebirds

Me: Good morning Dad, Baby

Kane/ Summer: Thank you 

Everyone says happy birthday to both of them. 

Me: Dad here is your present from me, Baby your present is coming 

Summers present is her brother

I pass Kane his present and he opens it and starts crying

Me: Kane I call you Dad but it has never been official so will you and James adopt me

Dad: Course I will

everyone else gives there present and soon we are ready to get in our cars but first I put a blindfold on Summer and led her out where both her presents were.

 I remove her Blindfold and she blinks to readjust to the light.

Summer: Babe have you brought me a car

Me: Yeah, I know my Camaro isn't suitable for a family and I know this is your dream car 

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Me: Yeah, I know my Camaro isn't suitable for a family and I know this is your dream car 

Me: Yeah, I know my Camaro isn't suitable for a family and I know this is your dream car 

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Summer: I love you so much

Me: Why don't you look in it 

She opens the door and just collapses on the floor at the sight of her brother.

Kieran: Hey baby sis

Pearl soon comes out and first gives me evil then go over and hug Kieran. Soon enough Max and Jason come and we are all on our way to Disneyland. Summer has gone in her car with Kieran which I didn't mind. Aqua wanted to be in with me as she loves this car. the day I dropped both girls off I use Papa's car.

Aqua: Bubba can we put music on

I hand her my phone and  connects the Bluetooth up so she can play her music.

Aqua: Are you and SumSum going to get married

Me: One day 

Aqua: Yay

We soon arrive at Disneyworld Florida.

Aqua: We are at Disney

Me: We sure are 

She soons jumps out of the car and runs to Summer and Summer lifts her up. I sit in my car imagining her with our own Children 

Kane: Come on Son they are waiting for you 

I get out of the car and help take all the bags to our rooms. Summer and I are allowed to share a room, Pearl and Max were offered but Max decided he wanted to bunk with Jacob. Which Pearl was not happy with but Max is just fed up with all their arguments.

Jacob: Man I'm so excited for this weekend

Me: Same, get to spend it with my two best friends and my beautiful girlfriend.

Jacob: Could I talk to you in private Hunter

Me: Of course

Summer Pov

While Jacob and Hunter went off, I go and hang with my brother.

Kieron: Hey Baby sis

Me: Hey

Kieron: Where's Hunter

Me: Jacob wanted to talk to him

Kieron: He's a good man

Me: I know

Kieron: So what is going on with you and Pearl

So I told him everything including Hunter and I deciding on trying for a family

Kieron: Damn she sounds like she really hates Hunter

Me: She does

Kieron: Well I think you both will make amazing parents 

Aqua soon comes running up to us.

Aqua: SumSum come on lets go to Disneyworld

She drags me along and Kieron gets up laughing. Soon Kane comes and picks her up

Kane: Cheeky monkey SumSum was catching up with her brother

Aqua: Buuuttttt I want to go to Disneyworld and Hunter told me he was busy

Me: Sweetheart he is talking to his best friend about something important

Aqua: I know 

Kieron: Come on then why don't we go on some rides

Aqua: Mister

Kieron: Call me Kier

Aqua: Is it true you work around the world 

Kieron: Yes it is

Aqua: Why

Kieron: I like to save the world

Aqua: Wow a superhero

Kieron: No

Aqua: Daddy said you were in the Army and my teachers said they are heros 

Kieron: Did they

Aqua: Yeah he did and said his husband is in the army

Kieron: Whose's your teacher

Aqua: Mr Hunt

Kieron: Tell you what Aqua how about I come in with you on Tuesday and surpise him 

Aqua: Why

Kieron: Because I haven't seen my husband in 6 months

Aqua: Your Mr Hunt's husband

Kieron: Yeah

Aqua: Ahh

Hunter and Jacob soon re-joins us and we go and have some fun in the theme park. Aqua met Belle and her smile on her face made me want kids even more.

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