Chapter 9

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Soon Dad and Papa sends Mai upstairs and come through to the living room and see Liz crying.

Dad: Hey what's wrong 

Liz: Leo has gone missing

Dad: What you mean 

Liz: His commandment was called back to duty the other day on a rescue mission and he went to lead but I got a call today saying they haven't heard anything from him since yesterday

Dad: Oh Liz he will be fine

Liz: How can you say that

Dad: Call it Trip thing

Liz: But I just found out we were accepted to be foster parents and what if I can't tell him about it

Dad: You will 

Liz: He said this will be his last

Dad: It will be his last and he will be found

Papa: Why don't you stay the night

Liz: I don't want to burden you guys

Me: Non sense you are family 

Summer: Babe you coming to bed

Liz: Go 

I go and say goodnight and when I went to Liz

Liz: Congrats by the way

I just looked at her.

I go to bed and soon Liz knocks on the door.

Me: Why did you congratulate me

Liz: I know Summer is pregnant

Me: What? How?

Liz: Been pregnant five times or are you forgetting

Summer: Thank you Liz

Liz: How far

Summer: 1 month 

She soon leave and we fall asleep in each others arms. 

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