Chapter 12

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It has been 2 months since I proposed and nothing has really happened Pearls trial has been and she was sentenced to 5 years, Britt is still waiting for her Trial which Summer is saying her side of the story so we are waiting until after she gives birth to Theo. Another thing is she has been put on bedrest and does online school. I'm also suspended from school probably wondering why.


I am currently in class with Summer, Max and Jacob and Callum in the past few weeks we have gotten close to Callum. 

Kye suddenly comes up to us again and starts flirting with Summer. Since Summer started showing Kye has been horrible to her and yet still trying to get in her pants like before she was pregnant. 

Kye: Hey so you nearly done with this loser

Me: Leave her alone Kye

Kye: Why we all know you are paying her, how much Summer for a night

Max: Seriously Kye leave her

He carrys on and soon I punch him and don't stop until Cameron takes me off him and I get sent to the principal office where he doesn't hear me out because Kye is his precious nephew. 

End of flashback

Today is my first day back I don't want to go because I much rather stay with Summer but she insisted I go and her mother is coming over to keep an eye on her. 

Me: I love you baby 

Summer: We love you 2

I go over and give her a kiss then her bump a kiss

Me: Remember ring me or get your mum to ring me if you really need me

Summer: Hunter we will be fine now go and stop fretting and ignore Kye today please

Me: Don't worry I will

I go and leave and bump into Autumn

Me: Thank you for doing this for us Autumn

Autumn: Hey it's no problem just please ignore Kye today ok

Me: I will Summer said the exact same thing

Autumn: Daughter like mother

I say goodbye and get into my car and soon arrive at school with I see Callum, Max and Jacob waiting for me 

Callum: Hey Dude

Me: Hey

Max: How's Summer

Me: She's good, her mother is with her today 

Callum: We are having two new girls today

Me: Oh cool 

Callum: One of them is my girlfriend and the other is her best friend

Me: Didn't know you had a girlfriend

Callum: Long distance but she moved down here this weekend 

Me: Cool invite them to hang out

Callum: One problem

Max: What

Callum: So Lucy my girlfriend showed her best friend a picture of all of us that I sent her when we all hungout this weekend and well you see the best friend nowlikesyouHunter

Max: Say it again

Callum: The best friend Maya  likes Hunter

Me: Great fun as long as she knows I'm getting Married it won't matter

Callum: Lucy told her

Soon theses two girls comes up to us and Callum gives one of them a kiss, I'm guessing that is Lucy and the other one is Maya. Maya comes up to me and starts touching my muscles

Maya: You must be Hunter

Lucy: Maya I told you he is engaged

Maya: She isn't here is she or does she even exist

Callum: Seriously Maya just because his Fianceé isn't here doesn't mean you can flirt with him 

Maya: Like she actually exist 

Me: She does and she is at home in bed

Maya: Why be with someone like her when you can be with me

Lucy: Maya stop we just came to this school and you are already going back to how you were 

Maya: Oh whatever Lucy at least I can actually find a relationship in the same state as me 

Max: Does it matter what state they are from and they are in the same state now 

We will walked of and into lesson, Lucy and Maya had the same lesson, I sit in my usual seat with Max on one side and an empty chair on the other where I set my computer up to put Summer on so she can still be in lesson but still on bedrest it was our head of years idea. I turn it on and call her so she answers and puts herself on mute.

Maya comes and moves the laptop and sits down

Me: You can't sit there

Maya: Yes I can it's free and sir said to sit in any free seat

Me: Ok, one don't call them sir, they prefer to be called Cameron and two this seat is not free it's my girlfriends 

Maya: She isn't here!

Me: Not pshycially but on the laptop she is 

Maya: So what

Maya then grabs my laptop and turns it off and chucks it 

Max: Why did you do that 

Maya: Because I did and also Sir said to sit anywhere

Jacob: That was free there was clearly a laptop on that seat 

Callum: And Hunter already told you to stop calling our teacher Sir they are called Cameron and prefer it 

Maya: Ugh whatever 

Soon Cameron comes over

Cameron: Summer not joining today virtually

Maya: She's isn't real

Cameron: Ok one I think I should know whether or not my nephew's girlfriend is real or not and she is and two I asked Hunter

Hunter: Maya turned my laptop off and threw it 

Soon someone comes up with my laptop and it wasn't broken 

Hunter: You are so lucky this isn't broken 

Cameron: Are you able to turn it on

I try and turn it on and it wasn't turning on

Hunter: You broke my laptop 

Maya: So buy a new one

Max: That laptop was special to him, his girlfriend brought it for him and the wallpaper was of his baby 

Lucy: Seriously Maya this is what got you kicked out of our last school and me for sticking up for you but this time you have gone too far

Kye: Hey Hunt how is your slut of a girlfriend

Maya: Why date a slut when you can date me

Jacob: Firstly Kye you know damn well she isn't a slut and secondly Maya he isn't going to date someone he just met over his girlfriend of four years 

Cameron: Hunter message Summer and tell her I will come round your flat with all the work from her teachers today oh and I'm Mickey and Kyle 

I message Summer and she understands let's hope she doesn't stress out over this.

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