Chapter 23

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It has been a few weeks since England and we are getting married today all three of my Dads are here with me along with my grandad Nate.

Dad J: I know I haven't known you long Hunter but just know I am really happy for you 

Dad K: We all are, you have had a lot of things happen theses past few years 

Me: Thank you 

I put my suit on  

Jacob: Damn you clean up 

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Jacob: Damn you clean up 

Me: Haha

Papa: You ready to go marry your dream girl

Me: Yeah buts where my best man

My best man is Kye, he has taken what happened with Belle badly and sadly Star's biological parents has decided they wanted their daughter when I say decided I mean her Bio dad wanted Kye to keep her as she has bond with him but her mum refused saying that it was enough losing out on five years they don't need more and she has also put her foot down on Star seeing Kye.

Jacob: He had a call and ran out 

Kye's Pov

As I was getting ready for the wedding my phone ring and I look to see Lucas, Lucas is Stars biological Dad and he is actually really down to earth and rings me when star asks for me. I step outside

Lucas: Babe, Star wants you 

Oh yeah we are together, yes I know he has a "Gf" but he is actually gay and his "Gf" is actually his best friend who found out he was gay and has been blackmailing him ever since and even have children with her. 

Me: Lucas I'm at my best friends wedding is there anyway you both can sneak out 

Lucas: What would everyone think because you know I want to hold your hand

Me: They wouldn't care

Lucas: Ok we are coming and if Sara asks I am taking Star to the park for father, daughter bonding

Suddenly I hear yelling


Lucas: Sara stop you are confusing the poor kid

Me: Be here in a few mintutes the wedding is starting in 30 minutes

Lucas: Coming

He hangs up and I go back and tell everyone that Star is coming

Me: Oh also her bio dad and I was dating 

Max: But he has a girlfriend

Me: That's complicated and not my story to tell

Hunter's pov

Dad K: Let's get this show on the road

We get to the beach and I went at the arch and waited for my beautiful bride.

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