Chapter 6

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It has been about a month since we went away and Pearl has been let out on bail but isn't allowed near Max so she has moved in with her Aunt and Uncle on the other side of town. The reason being is Max ended up being kicked out after everything came out and the Max came out as gay and now coming to school with me. Jacob is being his best friend at the moment and told him the truth which Max also admitted to having feeling but they want to wait until this whole business with Pearl is over to start a relationship. Kane and James has officially adopted me, my "parents" got 20 years for everything, this pass month has been hectic but Summer and I still find time for each other. She is still living with me but we take it in turns with who's house we are staying at. 

Dad: Boys and Summer come on school 

Me: Come on baby

We get up but Summer runs off and goes be sick in the bathroom 

Me: Baby you ok

Summer: Yeah just a stomach bug 

Me: Stay home today baby

Summer: I don't want to 

Kane: Hunter is everything ok

Me: Summer was just sick

Kane: Summer back to bed, I have the day off so I will be here but you are not going to school 

Summer: Ok

I lift her back to bed and kiss her head and go downstairs.

Aqua: Bubba is SumSum ok

Me: Yeah just a bad belly

James: You sure it isn't anything else

Me: Honestly I don't know but she saids it is just a bad tummy ache but if she still isn't well next week then I will get a test

Kane: Good idea 

We say goodbye and soon Max and I are on our way to school.  We park the car and get out.

Jacob: Where's summer

Me: Sick 

Jacob: Hope she gets better soon 

Me: Same

Max: We have lesson

We all walk to lesson and sit down when a few of Pearl's friends comes up to us

Britt: You know that was a nasty thing to do was get your girlfriend arrested for no reason

Jacob: You know nothing

Meg: I do and I know you are F** 

Max: He isn't the British words for cigarettes , he's gay and so am I and we are proud

Me: I'm Pan

Britt: Ha Summer will break up with you when she finds out 

Me: She already knows 

They walk away and we just bust out laughing 

Max: I needed a laugh

Soon our lesson starts but in the middle of the lesson my phone rings so I step outside with permission of my teacher.

Kane: Hunter meet at the hospital

Me: Is everything ok

Kane: Summer fainted so I rushed her to the ER

He rangs up and I rush and get my bag but before I could leave the teacher speaks

Mr Stevens: Hunter where are you going

Yes my teacher is my older brother Cameron who is alsl now technically my uncle

Me: Dad rang, Summer has fainted

Cameron: Go but tell me how she is

I run out of the class and sign out and drive to the hospital. They tell me her room after Andrew and Autumn told them to and we walk up to her room where I go and see her still unconscious

Me: What happened

Doctor: She is under nutiurtous so her body is just trying to help her and made her exhausted

Me: Doctor we have been having non protected sex is there a chance she is pregnant

Doctor: We have taken blood so we will test for pregnancy aswell

I go over just as she is waking up 

Me: Hey babygirl

Summer: Where am I

Me: Hospital, you fainted 

Summer: Oh

Me: Baby you haven't been eating

Summer: I'm fat and I wanted to be perfect for you 

Me: Summer look at me, you are the most beautiful, perfect women I have ever met and I have loved you since I moved in with my Dads and will forever love you, please don't do this to yourself again especially if you are pregnant 

Summer: I promise I won't 

Andrew: Summer who told you that you were fat 

Summer hands her phone 

Andrew: Why is she so intent in ruining you 

Must have been Pearl

Auntumn: Right I think the Aunt and Uncle should take her phone away from her 

Dad: How you feeling Summer

Summer: Tired 

Kieron: Hey Babysis Mum told me what happened

Me: She's alright now just extremely exhausted 

Andrew: Why don't you go to sleep and we will leave you and Hunter here and wait for the results 

Soon Doctor Harp comes in so I wake Summer up

George: so you can go home tomorrow but we want to keep you in for observation

Summer: Yes Doctor have the other test came back yet

George: Not yet

Summer: Ok

He soon leaves and we talk and eat and soon I had to go home as I wasn't allowed to stay but her Mum stayed and I went home and explained to Max what happened and soon fell asleep hoping Summer to be ok.

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