Chapter 21

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It has been a few days since prom and we are in England we haven't seen Summer's cousins yet but thats because they have moved out with their partners  but we are going to the family BBQ including their partners family. 

Summer: Babe you ready every one will be here soon 

Me: Just just let me change Theo 

Summer: Hurry up 

I quickly change him and  soon head downstairs to where Summer was chatting to her uncle and aunt.

Molly: Hey sweetie 

She takes Theo and pinch his cheeks

Summer: When are Derek and Ace coming 

Josh: Soon

Soon the door goes and two men walks in.

Molly: Summer, Hunter this is Neil and Axel 

Axel: Hey, Brittney is coming as well with her boyfriend

Molly: That's ok, how's it going with finding her son

Neil: She has found out he was taken to America

Soon the door goes and four men comes in with two kids 

Summer: Ace, Derek 

She goes running up and hugs them

Summer: Come meet my fiancé and son

They come in

Summer: Hunter, theses are my twin cousins Derek and Ace

Ace: Nice to meet you, this is my fiancé Joel and our children Stephanie and Axel 

Derek: This is my boyfriend Jacob 

Jacob: Hi 

Joel: Hi, Ace talks about you alot 

Summer: This is Theo

Stephanie: Baby

Summer: Yeah baby 

The door goes again and Axel introduces them as Brittney and Johnathon 

Axel: This is Hunter and Summer and Theo there son

Brittney: Hunter?

Axel: You ok sis

Brittney: That's what my son's adoptive parents called him

Johnathon: Hunter this might be a weird question but are you adoptive

Me: Yeah I am 

Brittney: Were you ever told anything about your biological parents

Me: No but they left me this 

I pulled out the necklace I was given as a child and told it was from my biological parents

Brittney: Hang on, take the necklace of

I take it off and her and Johnathon also take of their necklaces, she takes them and connects them all together 

Johnathon: You are our son

Me: Your my mum and Dad

Brittney: We are, Molly is there anywhere we can talk

Molly: Yeah Hunter why don't you guys talk in the room your staying in

Summer: Go and find out why they put you up for adoption

We walk up to the room and all sit down

Brittney: Is there anything you want to know

Me: Why? Was I not good enough?

Johnathon: Ok, so I didn't know about you until a few years ago when Brittney and I reconnected but I will let Brittney explain 

Brittney: Ok, so about 26 years ago I did some terrible stuff that it led me to been sent to my older brother Axel's house in Scotland once their I changed and I met Johnathon we soon got together and everything was going great until 7 years later when we got in a really bad argument and I ended up leaving and moving back to England where my brother was living at this point I had already made up with the person who I was horrible towards so I stayed with her and my brother a few months go by and I found out I was pregnant at this point Johnathon and I had nothing to do with each other a lot of things were said and done and soon I was in relationship but he was horrible, use to beat me, my number one instinct was to protect you but soon he found out I was pregnant which angered him and told me to abort you or he will kill you, I was too scared to get out of the relationship so I told him I could abort you because I was already six month pregnant so he told me he will sort something out them, I begged him not to kill you and soon enough you were born, I didn't even get to hold you, the nurse took you away, my boyfriend came and took me out of the hospital and said you were in good hands soon he tells me he sold you to some American couple who had three grown up sons and they called you hunter that is all he told me, after you were born, he made me marry him and move in with him where I locked away all days and dinner had to be on the table after a few years I found out I was pregnant with his child after he raped me again, I knew what I had to do so I found a phone and rang my older brother Jamie who is a police office who is a ds, they got me out of there and arrested him but he never revealed where you were, I soon gave birth you your younger brother Oliver but I never gave up hope on finding you, when Oliver was two I met Johnathon again and we reconnected I told him about you and gave him the necklace that I brought when I found out about you and I know you are probably wondering how I gave you one well I knew one of the nurses so while he was busy talking to the nurse who took you, the nurse I knew came in to make sure I was ok and I told her to make sure you have the the necklace with you.

I just hugged her and let her know I understood

Johnathon: How were your parents

Me: current one are amazing and i could ask for better Dads

Brittney: What do you mean current ones

Instead of telling them I got up the news article about it and gave it for them to read

Brittney started crying 

 Johnathon: You went though this 

Me: Yeah but my Dad and Papa saved me and adopted me and now I have an amazing fiancée and son

Brittney: Hunter I know you owe us nothing but can we meet your family

Me: I would love that Mum, Dad 

Johnathon: You don't have to call use mum and Dad

Me: It feels right but I'm still going to call my parents Dad and Papa 

Brittney: We understand that, tomorrow how would you like to meet your younger siblings 

Me: How many do I have 

Johnathon: 3 

Me: What are their names and how old

 Brittney: Oliver is four, April is 1 and a half and Wynter who is 4 months old

Me: Where are they

Johnathon: My parents came down as a surprise but said we can still come to the bbq but they wanted time with their grandkids

Me: Do you think you are able to come to America with me because I want all of you guys at my wedding

Johnathon: We would love to all our kids have passport

Me: I want to meet my grandparents

Johnathon: Well you can meet them tomorrow and your Fiancée can come aswell

We go downstairs and I tell Summer but she said she will be hanging out with her cousins so I said I can take Theo with me tomorrow.

We enjoy the bbq and I can't believe I met my parents.

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