Chapter 22

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It is now the next day Theo and I have just arrived at my parents house to spend the day with them and my siblings and grandparents on my dad sides. I get Theo out of our car we are renting for the next few weeks and we go and knock on the door when Johnathon answers it.

Johnathon: Come on in son 

Me: Thanks

We walk in and he leads us to the living room where I see Brittney along with an older version of my Dad and a women and two children playing and a young baby in the women's arms.

Johnathon: Mum, Dad this is mine and Brittney's long lost son and his son

Me: Hi I'm Hunter and this is Theo 

Brittney: Can I hold him, I know I'm asking a lot from you 

Me: Mum he is your grandson and I don't blame you at all

Brittney: Thank you 

I pass her Theo and he smiles at her 

Johnathon: How old is he Son

Me: He is 4 months old 

Johnathon: Son this is my Dad Nate and my mum Sara

Nate: Nice to meet you, where's the baby's mum 

Me: Out with her cousins

Sara: So she chooses other people other her baby 

Me: My fiancée is the best mum I know and so what if I said I will take Theo my parents have the right to know him

Sara: All I'm saying is you are very young and it's no secret you were adopted and not wanted

Dad: Mum I explained the situation and he is wanted by us and by is adopted parents

Sara: Why is when I searched up his name it came up about him being abused by his adoptive parents 

Johnathon go and speak but I stop him 

Me: Dad I have this, firstly you obliviously haven't read all of it, I am adopted yes and yes I was abused but they was not my parents never have been and never will be, my parents are my Dad and Papa who helped me out of that situation

Nate: Son you don't have to explain to us and Sara behave

Dad: Seriously Mum he is your grandson and you are treating him like this


Dad: Mum what you mean

Sara: We all know Brittney was cheating on you and why after all theses years does he come back and say he's your son seen as you are rich Johnathon

Dad: Brittney never cheated on me, I cheated on her and as for Hunter he didn't come finding us, it just so happens that Brittney's Nephews are with his fiancée's cousins 

Nate: Sara seriously Hunter is Johnathon's doppelganger, they look just alike and Theo looks like how Johnathon did when he young so for the love of god please stop this

Mum: You know what Sara you don't like the fact the your son moved down to England to be with me and help find our son 

Sara: because you lied 

Dad: How

Mum: She was never abused, she just wanted you back

Dad: I would have taken Brittney back anyway because I missed her

Sara: What about your ex fiancée and your daughter

Dad: She is an ex for a reason and as for my daughter Brittney and I are going in for full custody

Sara: Brittney is not a good mother

Me: I think I'm going to go 

Dad: No please don't son we invited you around so we can spend sometime and make up for some lost time

Me: I don't want to come between you and your parents

Sara: Then leave but Johnathon if you decide to choose this stranger over family, you will never see us again 

Dad: Then I choose my son because he is family and we already missed nineteen years off his life

Nate: Sara you can not make our son choose between family

Mum: Please don't go hunter, you still need to meet your siblings and I want more cuddles with our grandson

Dad: And I haven't even had a cuddle

Nate: Nor have I, Even though I am too young to be a great grandad

Sara: Seriously Nate you are ok with them bringing in this stranger to the family and putting our grandchildren in danger

Nate: Ok, firstly Sara can you not see the resemblance in him and our son and secondly I pretty sure if he would have done something he would of and he brought his son with him

Suddenly she gets up and just leaves after slamming the door

Dad: I am really sorry Hunter but please stay 

Me: Well I don't think I will get my son back anytime soon 

Nate: That's true

Dad: Umm guys did Mum take Wynter with her

Nate: I will go find them but Britt when I come back I want cuddles with my great grandson

Dad: Yeah, Yeah just go find your wife and Grandson

He leaves and we just sit down and talk with Theo now given to Dad. After about an hour Nate comes in with Wynter.

Nate: Got him but I found him with her at the police station, she had given the baby to the receptionist while she spoke to a ds but I showed her my id and pictures of all of us and she let me take him home.

She hands him over to Mum and takes Theo off Dad. We carry on talking and I play with my sibling Oliver as April as gone up for a nap.

Oliver: So you my Bwother

Me: I am 

Oliver: Is he my Bwother

He points at Theo in Nates arms

Me: No that is your nephew

We carried on playing as my biological parent watching us. I ask Nate to come to my wedding and soon I'm back home with Summer in my arms.

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