Chapter 20

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Hunter's Pov

Soon the police arrived to take statement and find my son.

Zoe: Please explain where you both were

Me: Belle and Kye came over and said they would look after Theo

Zoe: Who offered

Summer: Belle and then she got distracted by tiffany saying that Kye must of been drugged 

Zoe: Did anyone go near Kye's drink

Me: Kye is always careful about his drinks and I know Belle got it 

Zoe: Interesting

Belle's Pov

After Summer and Hunter go, I quickly get up and message Maya

Me: Maya they are putting this place on lockdown, I did what you wanted me to do now help me out of here so the police don't question me

Maya: I have it

The next thing that happens is the fire alarm goes of so we will gets ushered out of the hall and I take that has my chance to run I see Maya and jump into the car and see Theo in the back.

Maya: Come on they will be looking for him and you 

Me: Can we go back and get Star

Maya: Yeah let's go get our baby girl  

Me: Now we can live as a happy family of four 

Maya: I like that alot 

We have our son and daughter

Hunter's Pov

Where is my son, soon Kye comes to us and apologises and he thinks he found something out about his "girlfriend"

Kye: Firstly I want to apologise for all of this 

Me: Kye this is not your fault

Kye: If I was more careful with my drinks and who I fell in love with

Summer: Kye we don't know if she did do this or not

Kye: Thank you guys

Zoe: Anyway what did you find 

Kye: After the paramedic finished with checking me over, I get a text saying Belle isn't who you think she is

Zoe: Do you know who from

Kye: Dave her dad

Suddenly Lucy comes in and she takes a breathe

Lucy: Guys I knew I recognised Belle

Summer: What you mean

She then gives us a newspaper and one it is a picture of Belle about accusing a famous Ceo of raping her and making her pregnant. 

Zoe: I have just contacted my station who is going to contact the Florida and look more into this case it might not mean anything but it's good to look into all leads and we also have an office to go to talk to Belle's parents. 

Dave's Pov

I go upstairs to put star to bed, see I am a single father to my daughter Belle so I get grandad duty. As I get into Stars room I see she has a book in her hand so I go over.

Star: Papa please read this to me 

I pick it up to notice it was handwritten so I look more into it to see if it was suitable to read to my granddaughter and what I see shocks me she was never raped but instead drugged him and took Star remembering back I never remember her being pregnant but instead she came to me with a baby and said she was hers and she was raped. I read on and her and this girl maya are also planning on taking Theo's and Summer's baby and running away with him and Star. I quickly messaged Kye hoping it isn't too late about ten minutes later I hear the front door open so I quickly put her book away and tell Star to go to sleep and don't let mummy take her

Star: Ok Papa

Soon I go downstairs to see Belle walking upstairs, I look outside and see a car, I go upstairs and see she's packing. 

Me: Hey sweetheart where you going 

Belle: Kye is taking us on a family trip

Me: Belle can't you wait until morning Star is asleep and she is really tired

Belle: No I want her with me

She looks at her phone and just runs

Belle: I will be back for Star Dad but Kye wants it to be just us for a few nights

Me: Have fun sweetheart

She leaves and I hear the car leaves soon after I hear a knock on my door and see police and they tell me Star could be a missing child instead of my granddaughter I tell them Star was just here but she ran quickly left, leaving Star here.

Soon enough the police come and I show them the diary and they quickly order a road block. 

God what has my daughter gotten into

Hunter's Pov

it has now been two hours since Theo went missing, Belle is still under suspicion and it is breaking Kye seeing that he just found out the little girl who he has grown fond of isn't actually Belle's. 

Kye: I want her to meet her biological parents but I want to be there with Dave aswell

Zoe: We have already spoke to her parents and they agreed

Me: How did she even get a job to get close to the ceo 

Zoe: Faked her age 

Me: That's messed up

Zoe: Hang on let me just get that

She leaves the room and after about ten minutes she comes back with my baby 

Summer: Baby boy!!!

Zoe: They have arrested Belle and another women named Maya

Me: Maya 

Lucy: You mean my ex best friend Maya

Zoe: Yeah her and Belle apparently together

Me: Can we go home it's been a long day

Summer: We also have a plane to catch in the morning

Me: You still want to go

Summer: I'm not going to let them ruin my cousins meeting our baby.

We leave the others and wait for Dad to pick us up and soon he did and he makes sure we are all ok especially Theo we soon reassured him that he was ok and they just wanted him for their own. 

Dad: I'm glad you guys are ok

Summer: So am I. I was so stupid trusting Belle

Dad: No you weren't she seemed like a good person but she was a really good actress had a all fooled just be their for Kye he is going to need especially now that Star is going back to her birth parents.

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