Chapter 3

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It's the next day and that means court day. it is really scary knowing I am facing the two people who made my life hell but I have all my siblings and my two best friends plus my girlfriend.

Max: You ready for today

Me: Max I am shitting myself

Summer: Baby you have this, today is the last day of their trial and then we can focus on us

Me: Yeah, I love you 

Summer: I love you 

Kane: We ready to go the others are already there

Me: Yeah let's go

We all get in Kane's car and drive to the court house where my other two older brothers are waiting for us and as soon as I step out of the car and help Summer out they come up 

Leo: Hey Baby bro

Me: Hey Old man

Leo: Hey Kane is older than me

Kane: by two minutes

Oh yeah Leo, Kane and  Cameron are Triplets. Apparently  they were the hottest triplets in school according to Leo wife's Liz.

Cameron: We are all the same age

Kane: Shall we head in

Me: Yeah

 Summer comes up and holds my hands

Leo: Wow, you two still together

Summer: Yeah four years

Leo: Wow, never thought you would be

Kane: Leo Hunter is different than us 

Cameron: But true even with everything that has happened to him 

Leo: We are proud of you baby bro

Kane: Let's go get this over with

We enter the court room and immediately greeted by our lawyer Steve

Steve: We ready to win this and see those assholes go to Jail 

We soon stand up for the judges and I see my parents cuffed up sitting next to their lawyer. Summer squeezes my hand and for that I am so thankful

Summer: You can do this

Soon my Lawyer goes up to ask questions to my mum who were called on the stand

Steve: Mrs Stevens am I correct

Mum: Yes sir

Steven: Am I right in thinking you're youngest son is in the care of your oldest

Mum: Yes

Steve: When did he get custody

Mum: Hunter was thirteen when Kane took him 

Steve: Did you have regular visits

Mum: Yes until last year

Steve: Do you still see him 

Mum: No 

Steve: Why's that

Mum: Because Kane put in his head we were abusing him because he was Jealous of Hunter

Steve: Now why would Kane be Jealous of Hunter

Mum: All three of my oldest were because they were twenty when we adopted Hunter and payed more attention to him 

Steve: But isn't it also true that all three of your children were not living at home and elsewhere

Mum: Well yeah

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