Chapter 14

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After the doctor leave Summer wakes up

Summer: Hey Babe

Me: Hey Baby how you feeling

Summer: Sore hows Theo

I was about to answer when the  nurse comes in with a clear cot with a new born in 

Nurse: Your baby is perfectly healthy for pre mature baby his lungs aren't fully developed but he doesn't need to be in Nicu just plenty of love 

Summer: Can I hold him 

Nurse: Of course

 She hands Theo to Summer and Summer just Awws

Summer: He looks just like his Daddy

Nurse: He sure does, it's unfair when that happens

Summer: Yeah I carried him for 7 months and he looks just like Daddy 

Nurse: He's going to be a ladies man

Summer: If he is like his Dad  he will be

Me: He will also be a loyal man like his Daddy

The nurse soon leaves and we just stay with Theo in our arms and soon I out him back in his cot

Me: Thank you babe

Summer: What for

Me: Being with me and carrying our perfect little baby

Summer: I love you, is our family here

I nodded

Summer: Go get them 

I go and get our family from the waiting room and we go to Summers room and we enter and Summer has Theo back in her arms

Autumn: Is this him

Me: Meet Theo Kane Stevens

Dad: You named him after me

Summer: Yeah you have all been there for us during this but Kane when everything first went down with Pearl you let me stay with you guys 

Me: You took me in when I was thirteen and has always been there for me 

Papa: Baby are you crying 

Dad: No I don't cry

Aqua: Daddy don't cry that's the baby's job

Just as she said that Theo starts crying so I pick him up and he immediately stops crying 

Summer: He's going to be a Daddy's boy 

Andrew: Congratulations you two and Keiron and Morgan will be coming to see you tomorrow

Me: Ok, Max, Callum, Jacob, Lucy and Kye has just said if it's ok if they can come and see you tomorrow Summer

Summer: Wait Kye

Me: Yeah he was actually the one who brought me home and apoligised and he is actually a pretty cool guy

Summer: Ok, I want to meet the proper Kye and yay Lucy, wait Maya isn't coming

Me: Lucy and Maya are no longer friends 

Soon everyone's leaves and Summer goes to sleep so I go home for the night on request of Summer.

It has been a week since Baby Theo was born and everyone has met him and loves him and they are coming home today and then tomorrow Summer is coming back to school and Theo is coming as well on request of the teacher and new principal, the last principal got fired when Kye decided to come clean about everything. 

Summer: Babe you ready to leave

I pick up Theos car carrier and we soon head to my new car 

Summer: Babe did you get rid of your Camaro

Me: Yeah I wanted a new family friendly car

Summer: I love you

I strap Theo in and Summer gets in next him and just hold his tiny hands 

Me: He really is perfect isn't he 

Summer: Yeah

Me: Just like his mother 

We drive off and soon arrives home where I help Summer out and get Theo and we walk up to our apartment just as our neighbour Tim and Jill were about to enter there apartment

Jill: Is that the baby 

Me: Yes and Tim thank you for last week 

Tim: You are very welcome

Summer: Would you both like to come in for coffee

Me: Yeah come in and you can have a little cuddle with Theo

Jill: We would love too

Summer: Come on in then 

Summer opens the door and goes sit on the sofa with Jill so I bring Theo to her and she takes him out of carrier and hands him to Theo

Me: I'm gonna make the coffees

Tim: I will help 

We walk to the kitchen

Tim: So what's it like be a Daddy

Me: Amazing Theo is amazing

Tim: He's cute 

Me: Summer said he good at night, Summer always sent me home at night

Tim: She's amazing with him

Me: I always knew she would be but I think she blames herself a bit

Tim: They do, Jill did when we lost our first, she was 7 months pregnant and we got in a car accident and for a good few months she blamed herself and not me which I throught she would but she kept on saying it was her job to protect our son and she failed it.

Me: How did you help her

Tim: Remind her everyday how amazing of a women she truly is and it was not her fault

Me: Thank you

Tim: Shall we get back to the ladies, I want a cuddle

We go to the living room and Tim gets to cuddle Theo and soon Theo starts crying so Tim hands him to me but I give him to Theo and quickly he quietens down

Jill: Mummy's boy

Summer: He quickly stops crying when he is in his Daddy's arm

Jill: He's a cutie

Summer: And luckily for him, he has a bunch of children around his age to play with in our family

Jill: Time to have babies then

Summer: Yeah 

They soon leave and I go and make some dinner for Summer and I 

Summer: I just fed Theo, I'm gonna place him in his bedside cot 

Me: Ok baby make sure to bring a monitor through to here

She comes back 5 minutes later and we start eating 

Me: I love our life now 

Summer: Yep oh I need to call the officer in charge and say Theo has arrived so they can set up a court date with Britt

Me: Ok shall we go to bed now, I really tired 

Summer: Yep

Me: And I'm on nights 

Summer: That's unfair on you Hunter

Me: Really Summer you sent me  home every night when you were at hospital meaning you were on nights every nights it's the least I can do 

Summer: Ok

We go and change and get ready for bed and sneak into bed and soon fall asleep with Baby Theo sleeping right next to us.

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