Chapter 2

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We sit down and Summer immediately curl up to me. Her Dads name is Andrew and her mum is Autumn.

Andrew: I forgot how cute you too are

Autumn: True unlike Pearl and her boyfriend all they do are Argue 

Max: True

Andrew: Is that Max 

Kane: yeah they are friends 

Andrew: Let me guess Pearl knows now 

Me: Yeah 

Kane: Now let's get back to the topic

Autumn: Summer babygirl no need to cry

I looked down and notice she is crying

Me: Ssh baby we tell them together

Andrew: Pearl told us she caught you looking at baby clothing, now she did tell us why but we want to hear it from you two.

Me: I will start if that's ok

Andrew: Of course Hunter

Me: So recently I been imagining starting a family with Summer and I know we are only eighteen but I really love her. But this morning when we were dropping Aqua and Mai off, I saw how she was with Aqua and all I could think about was if that was our baby and how amazing of a mother she would be.

Summer: I asked what was wrong and he told me he will tell me later so once both girls were dropped off, I asked him again and he told me and I have always wanted a family with him and I know I have always told you I wanted to start a family young. So we spoke and decided we aren't going to try try but if it happens it happens but we wanted to talk to you guys first but we were going to wait for after tomorrow to tell you.

Kane: I think you both of being very mature for all of this and I do believe waiting for after tomorrows court would have been best but it can't be helped

Andrew: Kane is right and if we are completely honest I thought we would have had this conversation early on

Autumn: We want you both to know that we support this  and will support you both all the way 

Andrew: Now Summer explain the hand mark, Pearl told us Hunter hits you but we don't believe her

The door opens and James comes in with uniformed officers

James: Hey Andrew, Autumn, Babe, Hunter and Summer

Kane: Hey Baby, Michael, Zoe what you two doing here 

Zoe: We got a phone call saying Hunter was abusing his Girlfriend Summer

Andrew: That's a lie

Michael: Yeah explain that bruise on her cheek them 

Before we could respond he lifts me up and pushes me roughly on the floor and arrest me 

Michael: Hunter Stevens you are being arrested for the abuse of Summer Hunt, anything you say can and will be held against you 

Zoe: Michael you know this is not how we do this, we sit and talk to them separately and get the truth 

Michael: Do you not remember his parents 

Zoe: So, he was the victim 

Michael: Fine we will go it your way but the cuffs are staying

Kane: Pc Michael you will take those cuff off my son 

Michael: DI Stevens, no disrespect sir, but we read his file and you aren't his Dad

Kane: You are right not biologically but I have brought him up all his life and he has lived with us since he was 13 

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