Chapter 5

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After Jacob  pulls me away we go and find somewhere to sit privately to talk.

Me: What's up

Jacob : I'm gay

Me: Yeah I know and you are in love with Max

Jacob: Wait how did you find out

Me: Jacob, I have lived with Dad and Papa since I was thirteen and they have practically raised me, plus I can tell by the way you look at Max.

Jacob: What do I do

Me: Easy

Jacob: Tell me

Me: Be there for him we all know his relationship with Pearl is Toxic so just be there for him and be his best friend

Jacob : Should I tell him  

Me: Only if you really want to 

Jacob: It's going to be hard seen as we are staying in the same room so I might have to 

Me: It's completely up to you, oh but by the way I totally ship you both, Jax for life

Jacob: Jax?

Me: You new ship name 

Jacob: Ok, fangirl 

We soon go back to the group and enjoy the day. At the end of the day we all go to our separate room.

Summer: Hey babe today are amazing

Me: Definitely

She kisses me and we soon start making out and I look at her 

Summer: Make love to me

Just as I was about to grant her command the door goes so I chuck my top back on and open it to see Jason with tears in his eyes.

Me: Jacob what happened

Jacob: Pearl must have overheard our conversation, she slapped me and started calling me names and then Max comes in just as she slaps me and he tired to stop her but she just pushed him.

Summer: Jacob where are they now

Jacob : Max pushed me out of the room and I ran here 

Summer: Jacob let's clean your face, Hunter go get Kane and my parents, I have a bad feeling about this.

Max's Pov

I need to break up with Pearl but how she knows something and threatened to expose me if we ever broke up and I go to the most homophobic school where no one agrees with it including the staff. Oh and on top of that my whole family are homophobic. Maybe I will talk to Hunter tomorrow about it, I know him and Summer probably wants some alone time.

I decide to just go back to mine and Jacob's room. Jacob my best friend and crush god I love him but I know he isn't gay. As I get closer I hear shouting and my "girlfriend" calling someone horrible names. I open my door and see Pearl slapping Jacob I quickly push Jacob away knowing how powerful Pearl can be and tell him to run but I notice he has already been slapped. I hear our door shutting and soon Pearl approaches me and starts slapping and punching me. 

Pearl: This is why I never wanted you to share a room with another boy 

Max: You have no power over me 

Pearl: Yeah then why you still with me

Max: I don't know

Pearl: You will not break up with me or you're whole school will find out 

She carries on beating and soon I fall on the floor and starts kicking me and carrying on with her assault repeating the same thing over and over again. 

Max: Pearl stop this is a family park

Pearl: never tell anyone about this

Soon enough all I see is black and nothing afterwards.

Hunter's Pov

I run out of my room and run to my dads room and knock on the door and soon Papa opens it.

Papa: Hunter it's eleven at night

Me: Can you and Dad come to mine and Summer's room quickly 

Papa: Hunter you are scaring me is Summer ok

Me: Yeah she's fine it's Jacob

Papa quickly runs to my room and Dad follows so I go and get Andrew and Autumn

Andrew: Hunter is everything ok

Me: Jacob my room now

Autumn: Sweetheart is Jacob ok

Me: Yeah but he was slapped but we are worried for Max

Andrew: We are coming

Autumn puts a dressing gown on and we will speed walk back to my room. When we enter Jacob is sitting next to Summer who is hugging him.

Jacob then explains everything to the adults.

Andrew: Where is Max now

Jacob: I left him in our room with Pearl

Autumn: That girl I swear

Unknown's Pov

I have got a complaint about screaming coming from one of the bedrooms so I know I have to go investigate. The customer who complained leads me to the room and explains how as she was coming to get me a young women left the room but she was still concern so cam and got me. 

I go and open the door and when I do I see the most horrible sight and I hear the lady scream.

Customer: Is he ok

I check his pulse and nod

Me: Call the police and ambulance 

Which she does, I stay with the young man.

Customer: They are coming 

Me: Ok thanks 

Soon I hear peoples voice  and look up to see a few people

Me: Do you guys know who this is

The older male speaks up and tells me his name is Max and he is with them and introduces himself as Kane

Kane: Thank you for finding him 

Me: It's quite alright

Soon the police and the paramedics come and takes him away while the police question all of us and goes and find who his friends said they think did it.

Hunters Pov

Seeing Max like that is so painful and upsetting. Pearl has gone to far this time. We go back to our rooms to get some shoes as we have decided to go see him. I walk with Jacob so he can borrow my shoes seen as his room is now a crime scene. Summer is walking along side us and I can sense her sadness, so I bring her towards me.

Summer: It's my fault

Me: how baby

Summer: If I didn't take you away

Me: I never wanted her baby you are the girl I want to start a family with and marry 

Summer: Sorry

Jason: Summer never be sorry for how you feel

We all have a group hug 

Me: Let's go get some shoes on 

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