Chapter 17

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Theo is now 3 months old, graduation and prom is coming up and I need to ask Summer to prom so I have brought a baby grow and changing  him into it.

Theo is now 3 months old, graduation and prom is coming up and I need to ask Summer to prom so I have brought a baby grow and changing  him into it

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We leave the shopping centre and I make sure he is wearing is jumper he was wearing before. We carry on walking and bump into Belle, Star and Kye. Kye asked Belle to be his girlfriend and he is really happy. Britt has also been sent to prison as for Maya she has given up on my and now after Jacob.

Kye: Hey Dude, is it a daddy and son day today

Me: Summer gone to look at wedding dresses with her mum and her bridesmaids

Belle: Oh shit I knew I was late for something

Kye: Belle go I will look after Star 

Belle: Star behave for Kye

Star: Ok, Mummy 

Belle runs off and phones Summer

Me: Hey I'm going to meet Callum, Max and Jacob want to come with

Kye: Sure 

Star then grabs Kye's hands and we make our way to my car.

Me: You going to take your car

Kye: Hunter you know I don't have a car

Star: We came in Mummy's car cuz KyKy has a car that only takes one person and only has two wheels

Kye: Star that's called a motorcycle 

Me: Come on then what about Star's car seat

Kye: Let me ring Belle quickly 

He phones her up and soon comes back saying she is bringing the keys to get Stars seat.

Five minutes later Belle arrives with Stars car seats and gives it to Kye and rushes off after she gives Kye a kiss. Kye then puts the Car seat in and I put Theo in safely and check to see if it is secured. 

Me: You ready to go Kye

Kye: Yep where we meeting the boys

Me: Our normal Diner we go to and Max is bringing my sister Aqua and Mai 

Kye: But Mai's evil

Me: She's grounded and both my Dad and Papa had to go in to work so because Max still lives with them so he had to take both girls with him. 

Kye: What she done now

Me: Lots but called Summer a slut and me a pushover, I have no idea why she is suddenly being like this but she is grounded and have been since Christmas 

Kye: She's probably landed in a bad group 

Me: Maybe but I love her anyway

We soon get to the diner and see Max shouting at Mai and Jacob shouting at his brother who is the same age as Mai. I walk up to them.

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