Chapter 13

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After Maya's first day she has suddenly become buddy buddy with none other than Kye and they are both getting on my nerves. We managed to get my laptop  fixed and Lucy told Maya's parents who then payed for the repair.

Right now I'm in the lesson I share with Summer and now Maya, I set my laptop up and she leaves it on unmuted because this teacher likes to ask Summer questions.

Maya comes up and winks at me like usual like gross can't she tell by now I'm in a relationship and happy. The teacher soon comes in and starts the lesson. Today we were learning about babies.

Teacher: Today we are going to learn how to look after babies, Hunter tell us one thing you know you need

Me: Love 

Teacher: Explain

Me: You need other things but the most important is love for your child and never letting them forget you love them

Teacher: Amazing answer, Maya what do you think

Maya: Money 

Teacher: Why

Maya: To afford them but then Summer would know all about using someone for money

Teacher: Maya leave Summer alone

She carried on asking questions when suddenly we hear a scream and it was coming from Summer.

Me: Summer!

Teacher: Summer you ok

Summer: No..owwww

Me: Summer I'm coming home

Summer: No stay I will be fin ahhh

Teacher: Hunter she's in labour

Summer: No too early

Maya: Ha she can't even be pregnant right

Kye: Seriously Maya leave her alone can you not see Hunter is worried for her and Summer is in lots of pain 

Hang on did Kye just stand up for us 

Summer: Come home owwww

Hunter: Ok, I'm coming 

Kye: I will take you Hunter 

Hunter: Thank you Kye, Jacob drop me off today 

Teacher: Go I will email your teachers go be with Summer

I close my laptops and phone an ambulance they said they will be with Summer in about half an hour luckily it only takes 5 minutes. 

Kye: Hunter I will take you

Me: Thank you Kye but why the sudden change of heart

Kye: I never should have done what I was doing

Me: Why

Kye: Jealously, you and Summer have been together since we were 14 and the girl I wanted wasn't interested

Me: Who?

Kye: Pearl Summer's twin

Me: Kye Pearl is in jail now for abusing her boyfriend

Kye: Wow, so I was lucky 

Me: Yeah

Kye: We are here now

Me: Thank you Kye 

I rush up to my apartment to see my neighbour outside

Tim: Hey is your girlfriend ok

Me: I don't know but the ambulance is on the way 

Tim: I will help if you want 

Me: Please 

Tim: First

Me: Yeah and she is only 7 months pregnant

Tim: Hunter first calm down you are putting the wrong key in

Once I get inside the paramedic were quick and soon came in after me 

Paramedic 1: She is in labour but I'm afraid we have to take her now the baby is breech

I crumble to the floor

Tim: Hunter both Summer and the baby will be fine 

Paramedic 2: Are you the father of the baby

Hunter: Yeah I am

Paramedic: We don't have much room in the ambulance but we don't want you driving

Tim: I will drive him 

Hunter: Thank you

We get in his car and I message both mine and Summers family and we head to the hospital. We arrive at the hospital just as the Paramedics were leaving so I run to the reception

Me: Summer Hunt was just brought in

Receptionist: Yeah and who are you two her

Me: Her fianceé and the father of the baby

Receptionist: Sorry I can't tell you where she is

Me: Why not

Receptionist: You aren't family

Me: How? We are engaged, the baby is mine 

Receptionist: Look no offence but I can't let you go to her

Me: That

Andrew: Why the hell not let my son in law go and be there for my daughter

Receptionist: He said Fiancée

Autumn: That's because they are engaged but to us he is our son in law so you tell him what room our daughter, his Fiancée is in now

Receptionist: Fine she is in the maternity ward room 30b

We walked off and go to where she is but when I get there she isn't there

Me: Where is she

Doctor: Hi are you Hunter Stevens

Me: Yeah where is my Fiancée

Doctor: Please come to my office and don't worry her and your baby are being looked after in surgery but I want to explain to you what is going to happen 

We follow him to his office where he sits down and tells me to sit down

Doctor: Right Mr Stevens 

Me: Hunter please

Doctor: Ok, Hunter we had to rush your Fiancée into surgery, now don't worry both mother and baby are fine but because it is a bit  early her body wasn't ready to push them out. Now as I can by her records is that she was beaten up when she was 5 months and you were told she needed to be more careful 

Me: Yeah I tired to convince her to stay at home 

Doctor: Oh no don't worry my wife who is actually the one doing the C section would not rest a minute in both of her pregnancies, she was always doing something so no blame on either of you 

Me: So does this mean if we wanted to she wouldn't be able to have more children

Doctor: Not at all she can have more just I will recommend a few years

Me: Yeah we were going to wait a few years anyway 

Doctor: Also we will have to keep both mother and baby in for a while, your baby maybe longer because they are pre mature

Me: Yeah I completely understand but does she know I wasn't with you 

Doctor: Yeah she kept calling you where were you anyway

Me: Stupid receptionist wouldn't tell me what room she was in and even fought Summer's parents over it 

Doctor: Oh wow I will have a word

Me: No please don't I don't want to get her in trouble

Doctor: Shall we go back I believe she is out of surgery now

I nod and we walk back to Summers room where she was sleeping.

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