Chapter 15

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Today is Summers first day back at school and Theo is coming with us 

Today is Summers first day back at school and Theo is coming with us 

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I change Theo while Summer is getting ready for the day. Once I finish changing Theo, I go into the living room and place Theo in his little bouncer that my Dad got for pre mature babies. I walk into the kitchen still keeping an eye on Theo and get out Summers Starbucks cup and make her a coffee from our coffee machine for the day.  I also make myself a smoothie to drink on the way to school.  Summer comes in and I hand her, her coffee.

  Summer comes in and I hand her, her coffee

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I changed earlier this morning

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I changed earlier this morning. 

Me: Baby you look beautiful

Summer: You look handsome and thank you for the coffee 

Me: You welcome we ready to go

Summer: Can we drop by Starbucks to get something to eat

Me: Of course we can

We soon leave and lock up the door just as our neighbour Jill was coming out

Jill: Ah there's the happy family

Summer: Hey Jill

Jill: Family day out

Me: We have school

Jill: Parents looking after Theo then

Summer: No we are bringing him with us 

Jill: Well have fun, oh and we want you both to come round this weekend with little Theo and meet our grandson he is around the same age as you two.

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