Chapter 16

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Another day at school but this time my Dad has the day off and he has asked to look after Theo which at first we didn't want to but Dad convinced us. So we have already dropped him off.

Summer: I miss him already

Me: Same but he will be in your arms soon

Summer is picking him up straight after school then bringing him to my football practices

We soon get to school and soon our car was swarmed, Jacob, Max, Callum, Kye, Lucy and Belle who has started school has managed to get every one to move away from the car. We get out and everyone asks where Theo is

Summer: He is spending time with his Grandad

Maya: Finally admitted you can't look after a baby then 

Me: Summer is the best mother I know and we are at school and my Dad wanted to look after Theo today spend sometime with his grandson. Trust when I say if  both of us had it our way Theo would be with us again today.

Maya: I heard you don't know a love of mother

Max: That is none of your business

Maya: So it's true your "Dad" is actually your brother and our teacher Mr Stevens is actually your brother 

Me: Part of that is true, I was adopted by my Dad's parents but they are in jail and since the age of 13 I have lived with my Dad and Papa and they officially adopted me about 7 months ago. But our teacher is not Mister their name is Cameron and prefer to be called Cameron or Mx and we have told you this since you have started.

Maya: He is a he, he was born a he along with his siblings they all know he's a he

Lucy: ENOUGH MAYA, They are a they and you know it and for once leave Summer and Hunter alone 

Maya storms of at that  and we all the walk into school. As we were walking one of my teammates comes up to us.

Jamie: Yo Hunter you coming to practices today

Me: Of course

Jamie: Summer you going aswell

Summer: After I pick Theo up

Jamie: Aww cute

We soon carry on with the rest of the day and enjoy our lessons with everyone laughing and joking.

It is now lunch time and I have just got up to get mine and Summer's lunch with Kye, Jacob, Callum who are also getting lunch for their partners

Kye: Thank you for accepting Belle 

Callum: She's a cool girl and Star is just adorable 

Kye: I think I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend soon

We carried on talking when we get in the line. As we were talking we suddenly hear  shouting.


Uh why is she still on Theo not being mine

Callum: Dude I will get yours's and Summers lunch just go make sure Summer is ok.

I run to our tables but before I could Maya pours milk all over her.


I run quickly and see Mark and Greg about to lift Summer up 

Me: Boys put my girlfriend down now

They do

Me: Boys explain why you were doing what Maya said 

Greg: She hold us this is what you wanted

Me: Summer is my girlfriend

Soon the Principal comes and ask what is going on

Liz: Summer why don't we go back to my office and Hunter can rush home to get change of clothes

Summer: Please, could he also bring Theo here

Liz: Yeah it's fine

Summer: I failed one day without him

I go and kneel down to her

Me: Baby you are amazing and so what if you want to be with Theo that shows how amazing you really are.

 Summer goes off with Liz and I leave with Belle following

Belle: Is it ok if I come with you 

Me: Of course I have no idea about what t shirt she would like but we are also picking up Theo 

Belle: That is perfectly fine.

We soon get to my familys house and I just walk in

Dad: Hey Son, I thought Summer was coming after school 

Me: An incident happened and she asked for Theo 

Dad: Yeah, hang on


Soon Papa comes down with Theo and everything else he need

Papa: Here you go Son and Hunter's new friend

Belle: Hi I'm Belle

Papa: You're the new family who moved in across the road

Belle: Yep

We soon head back to my apartment and Belle helps me pick out clothes for Summer and grab some more bottles for Theo and soon we lock up the apartment and our other neighbour who isn't Jill or Jim. 

Miranda: Ha already replaced that's poor babies useless mother

Me: She is a friend who helped me pick up some clothes for Summer and Summer is not a useless Mother, she amazing 

Miranda: Then why is that baby always crying

Me: He isn't actually he barely cry during the night

Miranda: Well you are both too young 

Jill: Seriously Miranda what has Hunter ever done to you

Miranda: Move here

Jill: Firstly it was very mature decision to move out and into their own place when they found out Summer was pregnant and secondly so what if they are young and so what is the baby cries during the nights which Theo doesn't.

Belle and I just leave them to it and drive back to school and get to the office where Summer was and I see Maya outside with who I think are her parents. She comes up and starts flirting with me

Maya: You know I would make a better mum than that Slut in there 

Maya's Mum: Maya leave this poor boy and his baby alone, you have done enough

Maya: But you said when I see someone I like to never stop

Maya's Dad: Young lady we have never said that and you stop when they are in a committed relationship with a baby

Maya: Who isn't his

Me: For the final time Maya Theo is mine and he looks just like me

Maya: So What means Jack all

Maya's Mum: Maya sit down right now, I'm so sorry about my daughter

Me: Not your fault no need to apologise, now sorry to be rude but my girlfriend is in there waiting for her clothes and OUR baby 

Maya's Dad: Yeah of course

I go in and hand her clothes and she rushes to change and comes back and takes Theo from me and soon we finish the rest of the day and they came to my football practices.

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