Chapter 11

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Summers Pov

Today is homecoming and the first game where I'm not a cheerleader but after last week I need to take it easy. Hunter and I walk into school like we always do holding hands but today, I'm wearing his jersey we go over to Jacob and Max and I see Max wearing Jacob's hoodie

Me: Hey Max how does it feel wearing your boyfriends hoodie

Max: Amazing now I know why all the girls wanted to date the football team

Me: I know 

Max: Come on Summer we have lessons where as thoses slackers don't

Jacob: Rude babyboy you know we are training 

Hunter: Bye Baby

He kisses me and then kisses my bumps

Hunter: Bye Baby Theo 

We walk away from them 

Max: You picked a name then

Me: Yeah Theo 

Max: Cute, I'm so happy for you Sum

Me: Thank you Max 

We carry on walking until we get to class and sit down next to each other like always and start learning but soon Max has to leave for cheer practice.

Kye: Oi Slut after you give birth can I have ago

Callum: Leave Summer alone you know damn well she is in a relationship and have been since we were fourteen 

Kye: How do we know that the baby isn't one of her clients

Callum: Seriously 

Me: My baby is Hunter no one elses but Hunter and I don't have clients

 Cameron: Summer you alright

Because Cameron is non binary he prefers to be call Cameron 

Me: Yeah 

I suddenly feels a bit faint

Callum: Summer you don't look well, you ok

Me: I'm fine I just need some fresh air

Cameron: Go take some, Callum go with her

I go to get up just to fall again 

Callum: Cameron should I go get Hunter

Cameron: No need already texted him

Soon Hunter comes and come to me

Hunter: Baby what happened

Callum: Kye was making shit up and Summer got upset

Hunter: Oh baby what ever he said you know isn't true and please don't stress yourself out

Me: I'm sorry Hunter

Hunter: Never be sorry

Cameron: Summer are you ok to carry on for the day 

Hunter: I can't leave to take you to Dads

Callum: I will take her

Hunter: Thank you Callum here is my Dads addressed I belives Papa James is home today

Cameron: Here is a note hand it in

Hunter: I will see you tonight

Me: Of course I will be cheering for you in the crowd

Hunter leaves and Callum helps me up and to his car where he drives me to Kane and James house and helps me in

James: Is she ok

Callum: Hunter said to bring her here 

James: Ok thank you come on Summer lets lie you down on the sofa

Me: Thank you Callum and for sticking up for me

Callum: It's fine my sister was a young mum like you also planned and she was treated the same and now she is married with two kids and another on the way 

Me: Thank you

He soons leave and James and I sit and watch movies all day.

Hunters Pov

I am beyond mad with that little toad, I get back to the field

Jacob: Everything ok

Me: Yeah Summer felt faint Kye decided to be the little prick he is and she got stressed out

Jacob: Oh god

We carried on practicing and the cheer team practiced the proposal with us aswell.

Time skip to Proposal time 

Summers Pov

I managed to the game and so far we are winning but right now it is half time and the others teams cheer team after just finished and now it was us soon Marry me from Jason Derulo comes on and Max starts coming towards me and hold out his hands and takes me back down soon we hear singing and I knew straight away it was Hunter. The Cheer team carry on dancing and I can hear hunter but can't see him.

Soon the song was over and I see the football team standing opposite each other and Hunter right at the bottom on one knee I put my hand over my mouth and walk over to him and everyone hands me a rose. I get to Hunter.

Hunter: Summer I have known you all of my life, you are my best friend partner in crime and mother of our baby boy. When I was fourteen I asked you to be my girlfriend and you said yes, I went home and had a happy dance in my bedroom and I never regretted that day and then a couple of months ago we found out we were expecting our little theo best day of my life and now I want to know if you will make me the happiest nerdy jock around and become Mrs Summer Steven

Me: Of course my Nerdy Jock

He places the ring on my finger and spin me around and kisses me 

Hunter: I love you

Me: I love you too

I walk back to my family and they all congratulate me and the game starts again with us staying the lead and soon winning. We soon get home and Hunter makes love to me. God I'm so happy right now.

Hunter Pov 

Best night of my life, she said yes. After the game I go and shower and everyone congratulates me and once I was finished this gentlemen comes up me and tells me he is from the university of California which is the uni near my flat

UOC: Are you Hunter Stevens

Me: Yes sir

UOC: I have seen you play and we would like to offer you a place on our team in our university 

Me: Omg

UOC: We do also understand your fianceé is pregnant 

Me: Yeah she is 

UOC: How many months

Me: Five

UOC: Now do you accept our schlorship

Me: I do 

We shake hands and I tell Jacob and he tells me he also got offered a Schlorship to the same place

Me: Yes 

I go home and make love to Summer and tell her I got in my dream uni

Summer: Omg thats amazing baby

Me: I know

I make love to her again and soon we fall asleep in each others arms.

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