Chapter 7

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I am on my way to pick Summer up from the hospital and getting the results of the pregnancy test. 

I soon get to the hospital and go to Summers room where the Doctor was waiting

Doctor: Ah you are here

Me: Yeah sorry I'm late traffic

Doctor: It's completely fine 

Summer: Are the results back

Doctor: Yep, congratulations you are going to be parents

I run to Summer and spin her around 

Doctor: I'm guessing you will be keeping 

Summer: Yeah we are

Doctor: Well you need to eat more regularly and take pre natal now Hunter you need to tend to her every need, trust me on that one

Me: Thank you Doctor

We soon walk out and go to Mcdonalds and order our food

Summer: When should we tell everyone

Me: Let's wait until 12 weeks 

Summer: I agree

Me: Thank you baby

Summer: Takes two to make a baby

Me: Yeah but you are the one going through all the pain and carrying them for nine months

Summer: But you are the one that will be having to deal with my mood swings and food craving

Me: And I will love to do all that because I love you so much 

Summer: Can we start looking at apartments

Me: Of course we both have money saved in our bank and we both have jobs 

Summer: I'm keeping my job

Me: Good I don't want you to quit in thinking I want you too because I love you no matter what

Summer: Also I want to continue with School

Me: And I will be there for everything 

We soon arrive back to mine and Dad greets us 

Dad: How are you Summer

Summer: Good just have need to eat more

Dad: Good and please talk to us next time 

Summer: I will and I'm sorry for scaring everyone

Dad: As long as you are ok now, have you had breakfast

Summer: Hunter brought McDonalds

Dad: Alright also Cameron and their partner is coming over along with Leo and Liz

Cameron is non Binary and their Parnter Mickey is Transgender 

Me: Why

Dad: Annual family barque

Me: Oh yeah

Dad: You forgot didn't you 

Me: Yeah

Dad: Don't worry Max and Jacob are also coming

Me: well duh Max lives here now

Dad: Haha, they are both in the basement

We go down to the basement and walk in on them kissing

Me: *cough*

Max: You saw nothing right

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