New Beginnings, Chapter One.

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Lainey Mackenzie Mooney 21 years old Boyfriend Sawyer KinseyFamily sucks, I don't care for them

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Lainey Mackenzie Mooney
21 years old
Boyfriend Sawyer Kinsey
Family sucks, I don't care for them.
Been in the hospital many times due to my stupid family.

Lainey Pov...

I have been dating Sawyer Kinsey for two and a half years now, we just bought our first ranch together.  I am so excited to see what the future holds for us, I am so ready to continue on this journey with him. If it was not for him I would not be here today with him cause the night be for my knight in shining armor rode in to safe me, my family was about to kill me.

He got there just in time I guess you could say I had a guardian angel. My family was arrested but, they got it thrown out somehow my only guess is that my sister sleptes with the judge which is gross but that is how they have always been. I love Sawyer  so much he means everything to me I am so glad I opened up to him. I told him everything, it felt really good to get it off my chest.

Me and Sawyer clicked right away, ever since then we have been stuck to the hip. Sawyer is all manly around the guys but when it is just us he is a big teddy bear always wanting to cuddle. I love when it is cuddle time which is most of the day. Or he is cute with his baby talk to me and I giggle every time that he does it and his tattoos oh gosh don't get me started on his tattoos.

Sawyer Wade Kinsey 35 years old Beautiful girlfriend Lainey Mooney Ranch owner10 time champion at bull riding

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Sawyer Wade Kinsey
35 years old
Beautiful girlfriend Lainey Mooney
Ranch owner
10 time champion at bull riding

Sawyer pov......

When I saw Lainey I knew I had to have this beautiful woman, that is what I did. Now we have been together for two and half years now. She makes me so happy,  she can make me laugh at everything when my mother tries to set me up with women that come from our back ground and I tell her the fuk off each time.

I don't know how many times I have told her not to judge a book by it's cover. But she does just because Lainey does not come from money. I could care less if she did or not. Cause I love Lainey with all that I am, no one is going to tell me how to live my life. I will leave it the way I see fit and I see Lainey in it, I tell my father all the time to get his wife in line.

My mother is just plain rude to my girl every chance she gets and it pisses me the hell off all the time and she needs to stop. I will neved give up my baby girl cause she makes me so much better then I was when I was with out her. She is the only one to put up with my shit and she does not try to belittled me like my mother and tell me I am making a mistake she supports me in anything I do even if it stupid.

Me and Lainey just move into our brand new house, we said it was time to live together since we been together for two and half years.  I am so excited for her to meet my twin brother and my two best friends. I hope when I tell her that the four of us shared one woman. That was in college and high school, that brought  out my wild side. My girl loves my tounge ring, if you know what I mean.

I don't  know what it is with her and tounge rings, tattoos,  muscles but it turns her the hell on. I love it when it does. I turn her on every time I step out of the shower, I have water droplets that run down my chest and she bites her lip.

I am awake before, my sweetheart she is laying on my chest this women is my everything she changed me. Cause there was a point in time that I would never settled down but , my heart had other plans. I know my brother and firends will want to share but if that comes up I have to think about it. Before I give the okay or not, I would ask Lainey to see how she would feel about it we never got jealous of each other that would not be the problem. 

I rub my girl back as she sleeps, she moves her face in the crook of my neck and I smile. She is everything to me and I will do what ever it takes to keep her safe.
I squeeze her ass and she squeals, she rubs my bare chest and I growl. She lifts her head I give her a hot and passionate kiss and she does the same thing.  She moans and I lick her bottom lip she opens her mouth and our tounges dance together in a fiery dance. I roll us over so I am on top of her, she is just in her purple panties and matching bra. I am in my boxers, I reach down between us and I rub her wet folds threw her soaking wet panties. I growl at how wet she is and I move her sliky and lace panties to the side.

My thumb rubs small cricles on her pink jewel, she moans when I gently push a finger into her she moans and I growl as I thrust my finger in and out of her. She grinds on my finger as I suck hard on her neck. I add a second finger and I thrust nice and slow in and out of her. She sits up and licks my chest, I push her back down and I add a third finger in and out of her thrusting harder and faster in and out of her.

She says...

" Baby I am so close!"

I growl and say...

" I know your close baby girl.."

I am pounding my fingers in and out of her she shakes and I say...

" Baby girl come hard all over my fingers now!"

She comes hard and she shakes as I pull my fingers out of her, I wipe her juices all over her juicy lips and I give her a hot and passionate kiss and she does that....

I say...

" So sweet baby girl."

I can still make her blush..

I see her juices dripping down , I smirk...

I lick her juices off of her inner thigh and she moans loudly as my tounge makes it way to lick her juices.

I thrust my tounge into her wetness sucking up everything last drop of her juices. I thrust my tounge into her core a few times and she screan loudly. I growl and I come back up to her and lay on top of her to cuddle with my girl..

I say..

" I love you baby girl.."

She says..

" I love you too baby."

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