Us, Chapter Ten

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Lainey pov.....

I am up bright and early,  Sawyer pull me back to bed..

" We need a bigger bed baby."

" Why?"

" Cause our bed is not going to fit, four guys and you sweetheart."

She turns bright red...

" Oh okay, that sound like a good idea."

I chuckle...

I give her a hot and passionate kiss and she does the same thing.  I lick her bottom lip she opens her mouth and our tounges dance in a fiery dance.  I Squeeze her ass and she moans into my mouth. I growl, as I smack her ass. Our bedroom door opens and I know it is Malachi.

The bed dips, and our girl jumps then relaxes.

" Hi baby girl."

I nip her ear and she moans as I rub my hands all  over her thighs.

I suck on her neck, moans louder then before..

I move her panties to the side and we both gently push a finger in her, she moans as we thrist in and out. She grins on our fingers, we both growl. We thrust  harder and faster in and out of her. We both add a sceond finger  and she screams for us we groan.

" Oh sweetheart!"

" Mmmm Sawyer!"

He growls...

I feel Malachi, grab my breast  and I moan...

" Mmm, Malachi! "

" Fuck baby. "

We both keep thrusting in and out of her she starts to shake and Sawyer kisses her hard as I bite her neck. She comes all over our fingers, she is breathing heavy. We gently pull out of her. We both take our own fingers, we shove them into our mouths and suck but we never break eye contact with our girl. She bites her lip and we growl as we take our fingers out of our mouths.

She falls on the bed.

We laugh.

" Baby are you okay?"

" Just peachy Sawyer."

Malachi laugh is deep.

I smack him in the gut...

" Ouch, baby !"

" Then don't  laugh at me."

" Yeah Malachi."

She glares at both of us we just laugh.

" Nash and Garrett missed out."

Sawyer nods to his brother..

Our baby girl, just rolls off the bed. She hits the ground with a thud.

"You guys killed me"

She slowly climbs to her feet, she stretches and we watch her belly button ring move.

" Mmmm so se×y baby girl."

She giggles.

She slides on lacey  and silky shorts that are red and a match top.

She heads to the bathroom...

5 minutes later....

She walks out and she is heading to the bedroom door.

" Where are you going?"

She bats her eyelashes.

" To make breakfast Malachi."

We both growl..

She opens the bedroom door, and she walks out. She shuts the bedroom door.

Laniey pov..

I am walking down the hallway, I round the corner and I head down the steps. I jump off the last step. I head to the kitchen, I step in and I turn on the lights.

I guess I will make a loaded breakfast burritos for us.

I bend over to get everything out  for them and..


I squeal...

He growls as he pulls my back to his chest.

" mmm morning Garrett..."

" How did you know it was me?"

" Your smell."

He growls

He spins me around to face him, he gives me a hot and passionate kiss and I do the same thing. He licks my lip and I open my mouth and our tounges dance in a fiery dance. 

He lifts me up onto his waist, he walks us over to the kitchen island. He puts me down  and he attacks my neck with kisses and sucks hard leaving his mark..

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