More trouble on the horizon, chapter thirteen

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Iris Lila MooneyMother of two girlsHusband Morgan MooneyHates Lainey

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Iris Lila Mooney
Mother of two girls
Husband Morgan Mooney
Hates Lainey

Morgan Reed MooneyTwo daugthersSelf Made Billionaire Can't  stand Lainey

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Morgan Reed Mooney
Two daugthers
Self Made Billionaire
Can't stand Lainey

Morgan Reed MooneyTwo daugthersSelf Made Billionaire Can't  stand Lainey

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Danny Rose Mooney
Sister Lainey
I am the oldest

Morgan pov......

I have not seen Lainey in a few years, but I really don't care. I never wanted another daugther I have Danny but shit happens. Lainey was a oops baby never meant to be but she is so there is that.

" Iris baby."

" Yes love."

" I love you.."

" I love you too baby."

He wraps his arms around me and I lean back.

Preston Jake Kinsey Two sons Sawyer and Malachi One year old little girlMy sons want nothing to do with it and it is all my wife fualtSelf Made Billionaire Rancher

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Preston Jake Kinsey
Two sons Sawyer and Malachi
One year old little girl
My sons want nothing to do with it and it is all my wife fualt
Self Made Billionaire

Preston Jake Kinsey Two sons Sawyer and Malachi One year old little girlMy sons want nothing to do with it and it is all my wife fualtSelf Made Billionaire Rancher

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Raina Callie Kinsey
Two sons
They don't talk to me they cut me out
One year little girl
Husband Preston

Preston pov.....

This is all Raina fualt that my sons want nothing to do with me, I should have put my foot down a long time ago. She is always trying to them they need to date someone that has money. Honestly it is over rated, money does not make you happy. What makes you happy is the people that you love and Sawyer loves Lainey. I can see it I got my ass chewed out by Sawyer for showing up at his ranch then I went after his girl he had every right to punch me in the jaw.

Lainey and Nash....

" Baby let's get you off, the kitchen island."

" Okay babe."

He helps me off the kitchen island, when the front door opens and closes a few seconds later.

He is grinning like a fool at me.

I roll my eyes

He smacks my ass hard...

" That is for rolling your eyes at me."

She giggles...

I growl..

I sweetly kiss her and she does the same.

"Baby girl!"

" In the kitchen Sawyer!"

He comes running in....

" Baby are you okay?"

" Yeah I am fine, is he gone?"

He nods....

He gives me a hot and passionate kiss and I do the same.

We break apart our foreheads are against one another we smile at each other.

" I love you baby girl."

" I love you too babe."

" Guys you know he will be back right?"

" We are aware Baby."

" Okay Garrett..."

He growls...

He pulls me to him and he gives me a sweet kiss and I do the same.

" Garrett watch, our baby girl I am going to go start dinner."

" I will."

Malachi and Nash went with him outside.

I pull Lainey up onto my waist, she wraps her sexy legs around me and her arms go around my neck.

I give her hot and passionate kiss and she does the same thing. I lick her bottom lip she opens her mouth and our tounges dance in a fiery dance. She moans into my mouth and she does the same.

Authors Note...

Hey guys sorry I could not update book last night, my kids we're not feeling good.

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