Something is up chapter eighteen

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Laniey pov...

Garrett walked me into the kitchen and Sawyer and Malachi know is wrong. They immediately come over to me and pull me to them...

"What happend?"

"Nash was laughing at her, and she asked him for help to get off the bed and instead  he took a fucking phone call."


"Yeah so I helped our baby girl up out of bed."

They shake there heads....

"Baby are you hungry?"

"Yeah I am hungry."

"Okay lets fed the five of you baby girl."

She nods and Garrett helps her over to the kitchen island. 

"Thanks baby."

"Of course love."

Malachi hands her a ginger ale and plain  crackers while we make breakfast.

I pour the three of coffee and I sit down next to Laniey she smiles as I rub her back.

30 Minutes Later....

Nash walks in, Laniey is too busy on her phone to notice she is looking at dogs on online.

"Sawyer can we get a dog or two?"

He turns around and the three of look at each other..

"What kind of dog?"

"German Shepherd, Rottweiler,  or Doberman Pincher."

"Okay we will see."

She squeals...

She looks up and see's  Nash, he is not even looking at her at all. He is pissing me the hell off.

"Baby breakfast is ready."

"Thank you Malachi. "

"Of course baby."

We are all eating now our girl has not said a thing to any of us, which  is normal when there is food involved.

I rub her thigh and she smiles.

"What do you guys feel like for dinner?"

"Lasagna! "

They all say at the same time...

After breakfast....

"Garrett do you want to stay with our girl today. "

He nods his head...

"Okay me, Nash and Sawyer  will head out."

They nod...

The three of them head out to get work done....

"Hey baby, where are you going?"

"Getting down. "

"Let me help you sweetheart."

"Okay babe.."

"Do you want to make Lasagna with me?"

"Yes baby I do."

Sawyer pov....

I am so fucking pissed, how can he treat our girl like that! Oh I am going to show him what is up.

"Hey Nash!"

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