A New Day, Chapter Seven

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The Next Morning......

Lainey pov.....

I got up early cause I could not sleep well, Swayer got me a new phone last night. But I still have the same number as the old one I threw up against the wall. So my fake ass family can still call me and bug the hell out of me. I am up early to make breakfast for the guys before they head out to the ranch to work. I am making a big breakfast for them and me. I have coffee going already, I was going to wake up Sawyer but I did I choose to let him sleep until his alarm woke him up. I am busy cooking when my phone rings.

I look to see who it is and sure enough it is my damn mother, if I don't answer she will only keep calling. I really do need a new number I have to see what Sawyer can do about it. Cause this shit is getting on my last damn nerve of them harassing me when ever they feel like it...


Is that anyway to talk to your mother...

Last time I checked I don't have cause if I had a mother, she would have not beat me every chance my mother and father got!

You know you can run from us but you can't hide from us...

Well that is nice to know you crazy ass baboon....


I am so sick of you and my sperm donor calling me just to try to make me feel like crap.

Awe there is nothing you can do about it.

I know I can't do anything but that does not mean Sawyer can't...

You wouldn't dare...

Try me you hairy lady...

What did you just say...

If you did not hear me then clean the shit out of your ears for a change, oh wait that won't help you neither.

You ungrateful brat !

What was that can't hear you!


Stupid ass bitch...

" Who is a stupud ass bitch?"

She turns around so fast that she falls on the floor hard....

I drop to my knees and crawl over to her...

" Laniey you okay?"

" Yeah I think so Garrett. "

He smirks and I realize we are nose to nose to each other...

" You have the pretty blue green eyes with a flick gold in them"

She turns bright red and I growl.

" You picked that up fast normally it takes people months to notice."

" What can I say I like watching you."

I stand up and I hold out my hand for her, she looks at for a minute then she takes and there is that spark that I was telling the guys about and we talked to Sawyer about to so all four of feel and we know she does too.

" Thanks."

" Of course are you sure your okay?"

" I think so....."

" Ouch..."

" That is a no."

I see her favouring her right wrist....

" May I?"

She nods, I gently take her wrist and she whines. I make sure nothing is broke and it is not.

" You twisted your wrist, so it is going to hurt for a couple of days."

She nod again...

I see she has tears in her eyes, I genlty wipe them away. She smiles...

" It is okay."

" Okay "

" So who was on the phone?"

" Egg donor."

" She needs to stop harassing you."

" Yeah I know, they do it to bring me down."

" Well don't let them win."

She smiles and I smile back at her as she pours me coffee..

She hands me my cup and I take it from her.

" Thanks."

" Your welcome."

" Sawyer up yet?"

" He should be."

Soon as I said it he walks into the kitchen.

" Morning baby girl."

" Morning babe."

" Let me guess your egg donor again?"

" Yeah then I twsited my wrist."

He rushes over and looks at my hand...

He gives me a hot and passionate kiss and I do the same. He licks my bottom lip she opens I mouth and our tounges dance in a fiery dance.

He breaks apart our foreheads are against one another we smile at each other..

" I missed you in bed."

" I could not sleep."

" I wish you woke me."

" You need your sleep babe."

I see Garrett smriking at us and Sawyerus smirking at him.

I raise my eyebrow as I hand Sawyer his cofree...

He kisses my cheek as he sits down with Garrett, they high five they are up to something. I just don't know what, so are the other two up to something..

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