Boys coming, Chapter Four

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Sawyer pov..

I just got to the airport,  I am waiting on Nash, Garrett and my brother Malachi. I am sure the Lainey is running around our house like a chicken with it's  head cut off. She always gets like that when we get company. It is sometimes funny but mostly cute, that works her butt off at home and her parents are just shit.

Text Messages, Malachi....

Hey bro where are you..

Hey puffy squirrel...

Are you call me fat!

No or am I ...

Why don't  you go fart some purple fart bubbles!

Why don't you do your green one monkey ass.

Ugh, seriously where are you?

In my truck...

Hold you horses I will get out you big cry baby.

End of text messages....

I step out of the truck as my boys come walk over to me they all have big smiles in there faces. Garrett walks up first...

" Long time no see Sawyer."

" Yeah it has bro, how have you been."

" I have been great how about you."

" I have been great as well."

Now Nash and Malachi come up to us and we all do a group bro hug.

I miss you guys so much...

They all smile..

Brother, how have you been..

I have been good bro..

Sawyer brother, where is your girl?

She is at the house.

They all nod.

Nash speaks..

Man I am beat..

Long jet ride?

They all nod...

Lets go boys, get in the truck to head to the ranch boys..

We all get in the truck and I start back to the ranch..

Sawyer is that your girl?

They point to the picture of the dash...

Yeah that is Lainey..

Garrett  speaks

I told you guys she was a flicka...

Sawyer smirks at all of us.

Nash chimes in...

Woo, buddy she is smoking...

Oh I know Nash, I smirk once again.

Brother you are one lucky little shit..

He smiles and we all bust out laughing...

Does she know we used to share one woman?

He nods his head....

You wanna do it again?

I have to talk to Lainey.

They all nod...

Lainey pov....

Sawyer just texted me a few minutes ago, saying they just left the airport. I am making sure the steaks are seasoned for the grill for Sawyer and there are dinks in the fridge. I just got done cleaning the ranch and my phone, rings and my stupid ass don't  look to who is calling me and I answer  the phone......


About time the mu worthless daugther picks up.

How the hell did you get my phone sperm donor?

Wouldn't  you like to know.

Stop calling me.

No thanks I like bugging you.

What is it that you want !

To make you pay for everything you have done!

It is not my fualt that Sawyer sent you to jail!

Well now your dear old dad is out, and so are eveyone one else and we are coming for you!

Oh wow I am shaking in my boots, you need to back the hell off !

I did not hear the door open or close  a few minutes later..

You should be Lainey..

Well I am not now sprem donor leave me the hell alone !

Watch you back Lainey cause there is hell to pay.

Only when hell freezes over, which will be never. Don't   call me again!

I hang up and I throw my fucking phone acrossed the room hitting the wall. I am sure it is broken now.

Baby girl?

She jumps and screams...

Baby it is just me and the boys...

She nods

Sorry Sawyer..

I kiss her forehead and she gives me a weak smile..

Lainey this my twin brother Malachi.

Nice to meet you Malachi..

It is very nice to meet  you too beautiful..

She swallows hard.

Lainey baby this is one of my best friends Garrett and that is my other best friend Nash.

Nice to meet you both..

Yes in deed it is

Garret growls and she swallows har..

And Nash is smirking  and licking his lips...

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