Love you to the stars, chapter six

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Lainey pov....

Sawyer just went to go get the steaks and everything else, I am putting the sides on the table when. I feel, eyes on me I don't  know why I am feeling this way but I am.  Gosh  I need to stop thinking about them I have a boyfriend that I love but all I can picture is us all sleeping together. 

I turn around to get the last of the dishes off the kitchen island and I see all three guys biting there lips. I swallow hard, I see Sawyer  phone  light up and it is his father and he does not like me that much.His mother don't  like me either cause I don't  come from money  and that is all they care about if Sawyer girlfriend  comes from money.

I hear the French doors open and close. He puts the steaks on the kitchen island I hand him  the phone and he frowns.

" Babe it's  your parents, and I will be outside."

" Baby."

My girl just  keeps walking out to the back yard where I came from it breaks my heart that my parents hate her that much. Just because she does not come from money. My phone  keeps ring and ring, I just starring  at it to see how many times the little shits will call me.

Phone Call.....

What do you want now, and if this is about Lainey you can fuck off I am so done. I am never leaving my girlfriend never, so stop trying to break us apart. 

How dare you talk your mother like this..

A mother that thinks  my girl should come from money, newflash money does  not buy fucking happiness.

I don't  really care.

You should cause, you are fixing to loose another son cause I am sick  of you bullshit. Malachi won't  talk to you cause you do everything you can to belittle him and he hates you. So shove it up your ass, stop calling me maybe find some manners. I  love Lainey and there is nothing you can do about it...

I will  cut you out of the will.

Go right ahead you stupid bitch.


Oh please you know Malachi calls you that all the fucking  time.

Wait  until your father hears about this..

I really don't  give to donkey asses.

Why don't  my egg donor go fart rainbow fart bubbles !

I do not fart that is not lady like !

Please everyone farts at some point !

Boy you will be so sorry..

No you keep harassing and stalking you will be going to prison for life I will make sure you do.

Like hell you will.

I am done talk next time will be action,  so this is your last fucking warning. Now you will be playing by my rules and my game.

We will just see about that, I would keep an eye on your girl...

You touch or come after Lainey, you will not like the outcome you stupid fake boob job!

Everything on me is real..

No it is not you have everything fake !

End of the call.....

I see my brother and friends smirking and then they bust out laughing.

I walk outside to get Lainey.....

I quietly  open the door to the back and I know my brother and friends are right behind me.

I step out and so do they..

I look around for Laniey, then I see her on ground leaning up against the bricks wall with her head between her legs.

I walk over to her.

I crouch down where I am eye level with my girl..


Her head snaps up and she looks over my shoulder and she see the other guys and they smile as she gives a faint one.

" Baby,  I only want you."

" I know, why do they hate me so much."

" Cause they are assholes."

I hear Malachi walk up to us...

" Lainey the are a bunch of stupid assholes that hate themselves. "

She nods...

" Baby girl lets go eat dinner."

" Okay babe."

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