Love all around, Chapter Five

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"Baby are the steaks ready for the grill?"

"Yeah babe they are."

He walks up to me and he gives me a hot and passionate kiss and I do the same. We break apart our foreheads are against one another we smile at each other.  I see the other three guys watching us. I look at Sawyer and he us smirking he winks at me

"Lainey baby, I am going to start the grill..."

"Okay babe, do you want a beer ?"

"Yes please baby."

She smiles..

"Do you guys want a beer too?"

They nod there heads.

"Garrett you coming outside with  me man?"

"Yeah Sawyer I am coming."

I see Lainey bend over in the fridge,  damn she has a juicy ass.

I see the other two guys bitting there lips as I head outside with Sawyer..

" Sawyer your girl  as an ass on her."

" Oh I know she does."

I smirk...

I lite the grill up.

Back inside the house..

"So Lainey, have you ever slepted with more then one guy?"

She swallows hard.

" No I have not Nash, why?"

" No reason, just asking."

She nods....

I see her turned beet red.

She hands me my beer, and when our hands touch there is a spark.

She freezes....

She pulls hee hand back fast..

"Here you go Malachi."

I hand him his beer, our hands touch and there are sparks just like with Nash. I also get them every time with Sawyer too...

" Thanks"

I smirk I know she felt it too, and by the looks of it happend to Nash as well.

" I will be back, I am going to give the boys there drinks."

They just smirk at me..

I am walking to the sliding  doors, I silde them open and step out both guys look at me. I smile as I walk up to them.

" Here you go Garrett."

I hand him his beer and sparks once again, I swallow hard....

" Baby here you go."

I hand Sawyer his drink and more sparks like always..

I smile and he grabs my ass right in front of Garrett, I look over he is watching every move we both make.

"I love you baby"

" I love you too babe."

He lets me go, and I turn around to walk back in the house.


I squeal!

They both growled, I spin around and they both are smirking...

" Baby that sound never gets old."

She is beet red, she turns around and she walks inside..


I am now back inside now, I am getting me a Dr,Pepper cream soda.

What the hell is going on, I can't  have sparks with four guys? Can I? Maybe I can, but I do know they are all hot as hell. And I know  Sawyer and the guys used  to share one woman. Are they all wanting me, like that I don't  even know if Sawyer is still like that. But I guess we will find out in due time, I pop my soda open and take as sip as Garrett walks in for the steaks and shirmp. I hand him the veg foil packs aswell.  He smiles and I give on back, he walks away. I am working on the bbq pulled pork beans just stirring them.

I turn around and slam right into Malachi, I yelp and he deeply laughs.

" Sorry sweetheart."

She turned red as can be.

" No it is fine Malachi."

I see Nash smirking.

I slip out under his arms and I head to the fridge.

I pull out the  homeade coleslaw, salad, and some othet things for dinner.

I hear the silding glass door open and close.

I look over my shoulder and I see Sawyer and Garrett come in

" You good baby girl."

My girl nods.

I walk up behind her and I squeeze hee ass she squeaks.

I kiss her cheek...

" 20 minutes until dinner."

" Okay."

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