This can't be true, Chapter Nine

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A Few Days Later.....

Lainey Pov.....

Sawyer and the guys said they wanted to talk to me, I told him okay.  Everyone is out on the ranch except  Malachi  he got hurt already so he is sitting on the sofa  watching tv no wait he is watching me. I look at him and he smirks hard at me, I swallow hard. He is grinning at me, I turn around I am not watching  where I am going and I slam into the wall hard. I fall onto the groun with  a thud, I groan as I lay there.

In a flash I see Malachi on his knees next to me, he looks so worried. I give him a faint smile as I stare at his blue green eyes.

" Lainey  are you alright."

" I think so but I have no idea cause I hit the wall pretty hard this time."

" This time?"

" Forget I said anything."

He smiles and winks at me....

He has his, hand on my chest  and the other one is rubbing my right thigh.  He slowly helps me sit up and I hold my head when I am fully up. I lay my head on his chest and he wraps his arms around me. This feels like home just like when I am with Sawyer.  He kisses the top  my head and I feel nothing but sparks, as he rubs my back.

A few minutes  later.......

She looks up at me and I smile at her I wink at her. She turns bright red, I can't  take it anymore. I lean in and give her a hot and passionate kiss and she does the same thing. I lick her bottom lip and she opens her mouth as my tounge sildes into her mouth and our tounges dance in a fiery dance.

  I push her back to the floor and I climb on top of her. I hold myself up with my hands, I suck on her tounge and she sucks on mine we both moan.  We break apart our foreheads are against one another we smile at each other.

I suck and bite onto her neck she moans loudly  I growl as she digs her fingers into my shoulder.

15 minutes later. 

I help her up and I smirk at her...

" You okay beautful."

" Yeah  I am ."

He nods then he winces, put my arm around his waist. I walk him back over to the sofa. He hurt his shoulder I help him back down....

He smiles...

I walk out of the room, and I head to the kitchen to check dinner.

Two hours later all of the guys are in the kitchen now, they are are watching me. I am standing  between Sawyer legs. As Nash says.....

" Lainey, I am just going  to rip the bandaid off. The three of us want to be with you too."

She looks shocked but she looks at Sawyer..

" Baby girl whatever you want to do, but I am okay with them joining in our relationship. "

She nods and I sweetly kiss her..

She moans and I hear the other guys moan.

We break apart our foreheads are against one another we smile at each other. 

" Okay guys I want to try."

They break into the biggest smiles I have ever seen, I smile back as Sawyer wraps his arms around me.

The guy are smirking  at me, oh great this should be good....

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