Chapter twenty two

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Laniey pov...

The day that Sawyer,Malachi and Garrett took Nash down to the gym that is in the basement and they took turns fighting him. I could not watch so I didn't.

I stayed in the kitchen, when they we're doing that.

I am due any day now, I am so excited for the four babies to be here. I am in the kitchen. I did not hear Sawyer walk back in the house from outside.

I think the babies are coming today for some reason. Cause I been having contractions off and on. I have not told anyone, cause I did not think they would be coming but I think they are coming today.

I squat down to pick something off the floor and I do my water breaks.


Sawyer, my water broke!

I know there coming baby girl..

Ahh shit!

Come on lets get you changed and we need to get you to the hospital.

The other three guys come running...


She looks at us and we get her changed, everyone bag is in th truck already.

We help in the truck and we are off to the hospital.

Sweetheart you are doing good....

She just glares at me..

Baby we got this..

I know Garrett.

He kisses my forehead as he lets me lay on him and Malachi is rubbing my legs. While Sawyer is driving and Nash is calling the hospital. 

Four hours later....

Baby you did so good..

We did babes..

They are grining like fools.

I shake my head, babes you can name them.

They light up.

I wink and they growl.

I wink and they growl

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Sawyer Garrett Jr.

Sawyer Garrett Jr

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Malachi Nash Jr.

Malachi Nash Jr

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Poise Rose

Isabella Luna

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Isabella Luna

I watch my men, hold our babies I smile as they just kiss them.

Baby get some sleep..

You sure?

Yes we are baby you just gave birth.

She nods....

We watch our baby girl fall asleep as we, each get up and we kiss her forehead.

We put the babies down and we sit around in the room watching our family sleep.


Well my parents are in jail now for threatening Nash and Lainey parents got there phone rights taken away for good.

We are finally free to do as we please. I am just starring at Lainey we all got lucky when she wanted all four of us.

I just glad it is all over and we can have our happy ever but that does not mean me and the guys, will stop being overprotective cause that never will.

A few days later.....

We are home now, it has been great the babies are great. We just married the love of our life and we are so happy.

The end....

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