Must Be Love, Chapter Eight.

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Lainey Pov......

It is now sometime after breakfast, now Sawyer  and the guys are out on the ranch. I working on dinner and lunch right now. I can't  believe I have feelings for all of them, this is bad or is it. I think they feel the same way. But I don't  know how Sawyer feels. After I made two lasagna for dinner, and for lunch I am making subs for lunch.

15 minutes later.....

My phone rings, I flip over my phone and it is my sprem donor I groan. I stop what I am doing and I know I should not pick up my phone but I am going to pick it up and fuk with him so what. 

Phone Call.....

Can I help you?

Oh the little bit€h picked up.

Oh the little cry baby is whining again.

Why you little bit€h..

If you don't  have something useful I am hang up and I am blocking  you and my egg donor.

I would watch your back Lainey..

If I was you I would worry about your  front and back cause, Sawyer is not  playing games asswipe.


I block him and my egg donor from calling my phone,  I am so sick of them doing this shit to me I just want them to leave me the hell alone. I pour five sweet teas and I head to the front door  cause I am sure the guys are back at the barn by now.

Sawyer pov...

We just got  back from herding the cattle and horse, we just put our horses up.

" Okay guys I know you like Lainey, we need to talk to her sometime today. "

" Yeah we need to do it soon."

Garrett  sits down on  the barrel next to me.

" I felt spraks when we touch hands."

The others say..

" Yeah we did too."

In walks Lainey....

" Hey baby girl..."

" Hi babe, you guys thirsty"

" Yeah for you."

His brother  says...

She turns dark red and all four of us growl....

" Baby,  you okay?"

" Yeah I am,  my sperm donor called again and I block hom and the other asshole."

" Good baby girl"

She smiles, I growl and wink at her.

She hands us all of our sweet teas.

We all sit down, and we talk...

I stand back up I stretch and all four guys growl loudly as I lock eyes  with them.

I smirk and they stand up, Malaich is in front of me he gives me a hot and passionate kiss and I do the same. He squeezes my ass and I squeak, we break apart our foreheads are against one another we smile at each other.  Our nose rub together and he moves to the side.

Nash pulls me to him and his lips slam onto mine, he licks my bottom lip I open my  mouth and our tounges dance in a fiery dance. We break apart our foreheads are against one another we smile at each other.

Garrett pulls me to him and he gives me a hot and passionate kiss and I do the same.  He squeezes my ass hard and I moan into his mouth and I groan into hers. We break apart our foreheads are against one another we smile at each other. 

Sawyer pulls my by the ass he gives me a hot and passionate kiss and I do the same. He squeezes and rubs my ass as we break apart our foreheads are against one another we smile at each other.

She is red as can be.

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