More Problems, Chapter Twenty

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Laniey pov.....

Nash been acting weird for months, I don't  know what to do, Sawyer, Malaich and Garrett all talked to him but they just don't  know what is going on with him.

Well today Sawyer, Malaich and Garrett had to go out of town to deliver horse to someone. So Nash is here with me, but he is sitting on my sofa I am in the kitchen making chili for dinner since it is starting to turn colder.

I stir the chili, before  grabbing a ginger ale. I open my ginger ale and I walk out of the kitchen and I head to the living room. I am leaning on the door frame and Nash is sleeping..

I walk up to the sofa and I figure he is going to tell me what the fuck is going on.

So I pour my ice cold ginger ale all over him, he jumps awake...

Laniey what the hell!

Nash what the hell is right, what is going on with you!

My eyes start to water, I try to suck it up....

Laniey baby don't  cry...

Do you not love me?

Baby girl of course  I love you...

Then why are you being mean to me?

He sighs...

Laniey, come sit and I will explain the best I can...

Do you want to be a daddy?

Of course I do, just come sit and I will tell you....

She sits down but I pull her on my lap, she looks surprised by it man I really fucked up. I never wanted to hurt her but I have now, I need to make it right and make sure she still wants me.

Laniey baby, I have been trying to keep you safe your parents are fucking nasty as hell. They have been making threats, and I have been stupid enough to keep you at arms length.Cause they said they would hurt you and our kids, I don't fucking know how they know your pregnant but they do.

This need to stop, I need to fing out who is the guy on the outside since the guys got them sent to federal prison for life but it will stop one way or another. I miss you baby, I love you so damn much and I want to be with you and be a daddy with the other guys.

I should have told them, cause I can't  do it on my own but now. I will tell them cause they need to know and I am sorry for hurting you baby girl.

I thought, you thought I was fat and you did not want me...

No I never thought that baby, and yes I want you and I love you.

I love you too babe..

I give her a hot and passionate kiss and she does the same thing, I lick her bottom lip she opens her mouth and our tounges dance in a fiery dance. She moans as I squeeze her ass, she grinds on me.

We break apart our foreheads are against one another we smile at each other.

I rub her belly, she smile as she cuddles into me...

Baby I am wet....


No your not, you gave me my wake up call..

She smiles...

Author here.....

Guys I am so sorry for, not updating this book I really thought it was updated this month but it was not but from here on out I will be updating my books on here and Chapters.

Thank you to all who read my books, I am working on another for here should be out in a few days.

Stay safe guys..

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