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Lin was walking around backstage because it was one of their lunch breaks for the day. He was stressing because he kept thinking that he would mess up next weeks performance. It was their first broadway show performing Hamilton, and Lin had performed multiple times off broadway but for some reason the thought of being on broadway with his show, as the lead, just terrified him.

That's when Phillipa walked in and noticed Lin just staring out the window with the blankest expression on his face.

"Lin hun, what's wrong?" She asked

""Nothing" He answered

"Come on talk to me. Technically we are husband and wife so you have to tell me what's wrong." She joked. Luckily Lin chuckled a little which made her happy. Then she repeated, "Seriously Lin what's up?"

Lin sighed and faced her, "I just- I just don't know if I can do it." Phillipa looked worried as she asked,

"Do what?"

"I don't know if I can do Hamilton anymore." He began, "I just don't want to mess this up for all of you guys because you've worked so hard and you deserve a perfect performance."

Phillipa couldn't believe what she was hearing,
"What? The Lin Manuel Miranda is talking about quitting the show because he doesn't want to mess up? The Lin Manuel Miranda that wrote and created such a beautiful performance doesn't want to mess it up? Honey if anything, you're the only one who can mess it up and nobody, I mean absolutely nobody can say anything, because yeah we worked hard but without you, none of us would be here."

Lin smiled.

Phillipa continued, "Hon, we are all worried but we're worried that we'll let you down. Trust me, you have nothing to worry about, you work twice as hard as anybody out here and we admire you for it. You can do it okay?"

"okay!" He replied. Hearing Phillipa talk about him like that really brighten his mood but not as much as what happened next.

Groff walked in while they were hugging, and saw tears in Lin's eyes even though they weren't coming down his face, then announced his arrival by saying, "Why is my best friend crying? Phillipa what did you do to my sweet friend?"

Phillipa sounded offended but she knew it was a joke, "I did nothing!"

Lin smiled and said, "Hey Groffsauce, what brings you to my dressing room?"

Groff stopped for a second to try and remember why he was there, then said, "Oh yeah, I wanted to talk to you!"

Phillipa took this as her cue to leave and said, "I'll leave you to it." and shoved Groff on her way out.

"Hey!" he shouted after her. Then he sat down next to Lin and all Lin could do was look into his perfect brown eyes, and stare at his amazing lips as he spoke.

"So I wanted to ask you if you were doing anything this Saturday?" Groff asked.

"Practicing for the show." Lin answered confused

"Okay so you're available." Groff answered for himself, "Well we're going to hang out that day okay?"

Lin sighed and said, "Listen you're my best friend but you know the show opens to broadway Monday right? We need to rehearse on our own time."

Groff ignored him and said, "Listen to me, you're my best friend and we do as I say this weekend, you can't stress yourself out, I know what's best, so we are hanging out done deal."

Lin was gonna argue but he didn't feel like it so he just nodded, and Groff kissed his cheek like he always does and said goodbye as he headed out the dressing room.

Phillipa came back in, "I saw Groff leave all happy, does that mean you finally told him?" Lin looked confused.

"Told him what"

"That you're in love with him of course."

"Keep your voice down, and I'm not in love with him."


"Yes, why would you think that?"

"Lin we play husband and wife and you've never looked at me the way you look at Groff."

"No, he's just my best friend, and I should've never told you I was bisexual. Don't go telling people, you're the only one that knows."

"Of course of course, but stop denying your feelings for Groff. Please and thank you." and just like that she was gone.

Lin didn't have much time to think because that's when he heard "Five minutes to places." so he decided to quickly eat the lunch he hadn't gotten to eat yet and get to his places.

I won't leave you... (A messy Grofflin story)Where stories live. Discover now