The next day

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~Lin's pov~

Oh my gosh. I wake up to Groff still holding me tight. Thank God that wasn't a dream. I can't believe this actually happened. I take in a deep breath of Groff. I shift my body so my back is to his chest, and but I'm still in his arms. I check my phone. Thank God it's Sunday! No rehearsals. No shows. I get to spend the day with Groff. I get to talk this over with him. What will he say? Was he just in the moment? No. Wait. Did he just do that out of pity?

Groff moaned, and started to wake up, cutting into my thoughts. He opened his eyes and smiled. I turned my body back to facing his and I smiled back.

There's no way.

"Did I wake you Groffauce?" I whispered.

"No Linny. I woke up in my own." He whispered back, "Want breakfast?" He asked. I nodded, "Pancakes please." I shouted after him when he left the room.

Now I was cold. I didn't realize that Groff was 80% of the heat and comfort in this bed. So I got up and joined him as he cooked pancakes, eggs, and bacon.

I hugged him, "We needa talk." I whispered into his ear.

"Okay but let's eat first." He replied smiling.

~Time skip~

After we ate we sat on the couch and we talked,

"What happened last night?" I asked him, "Did you suddenly develop feelings for me?"

"No." He responded,

"Then what's up. Because when I first told you that I was bisexual you looked disgusted. Then last night." I paused, "You know." I don't know why I couldn't just be happy that I got to kiss and spend the night with him. Why was I attacking him with all these questions. I thought he was going to get irritated and want to leave but instead he had patience with me.

"Lin. It's difficult to explain. But I am going to try." He started. I got nervous, "I guess I always knew that I felt more than us just being best friends. But I always pushed it to the back, and lied to myself. Then when you came out to me, I wanted to tell you that I loved you no matter what, and that you shouldn't be nervous to tell me that, but the words wouldn't come out." His eyes started to water. Why?
"Then um." His voice cracked, "When you had your panic attack, and I saw you lying there. As I rushed to your side and felt no pulse." What? I died?
"I started to panic. Then I felt it. It was weak but it was there. I couldn't lose you."

He placed his hand on my hand as his voice started to crack because he was trying to hold back tears.

"Lin when Pippa told me the conversation you guys had right before the panic attack, my heart dropped. I couldn't breathe. I thought it was insane that you could ever think that I would hate you. And um, I didn't want to go into your hospital room because I thought you wouldn't want to see me since I caused you all that pain." This is it. This is where he cracked. He stopped talking as tears rushed down his face. Hell he tried to speak, "I" Gasp. "I couldn't lose you Lin." Gasp. "You are my best friend." Gasp. "And I love you." Gasp. "Please don't leave me."

I couldn't believe what was right in front of me. I never noticed what I put Groff through. He is my best friend. He's been my best friend for what felt like forever now. I was so worried about what I had put Pip through that I didn't think about anyone else.

I grabbed Groff and pulled him into my chest, "I won't leave you Groffsauce. I promise" I kissed his head, "I love you."

We stayed like that until he completely calmed down. He lifted his head, I wiped the tears off his face. And it happened again. Next thing I know his lips are pressed against mine. I was happy.  He was happy.

I won't leave you... (A messy Grofflin story)Where stories live. Discover now