many months later...

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*This will either be the last one or there will be one or two more chapters*

It's been many many months since Groff got stabbed. Lin hasn't spiraled since, and he's still taking his medication. The cops apprehended Vanessa and she is facing 10 years in jail along with the hitman she hired.

Lin and Groff are celebrating their one year anniversary. They both get the day off along with tomorrow. Lin had something extremely special planned.

Lin woke Groff up with breakfast in bed. They ate and Lin told Groff that they have a special day planned ahead.

*Lin's pov*

Today needs to go perfect. I am completely convinced that Groff is the love of my life at this point. He gives me life, happiness, and a reason to live. Nothing makes me happier than my Groffsauce.

"Babe. We have something so special planned today."

"Really? I thought we were just going to stay in bed." He responded. I thought he was joking but the look on his face said that he was serious.

"No!" I shouted, "It's our one year and I wanna do something special for you."

"Babe. You being here in bed with me is special enough. You confessing every hour that you love me is enough for me. It's makes me happy enough to have you here by my side."

"Awww Groffsauce. Cute. But that's not what it takes for you to get to be lazy and stay in bed all day. Nice try tho. I'll give you an "A" for effort."

Groff groaned and chuckled. He then pulled me in for a kiss.

"Will this get me out of it?" His hand reached down for my underwear. I moaned as I started to imagine all the stuff I could do to him right now.

"No." I stopped myself. "You went too far. We are going out. You get an "A+" for that one though because you almost had me."

Groff groaned again, "Okay.Okay. At least take a shower with me."

I hesitated, "Babe."  I started,

"Don't make me sad on our one year babe. Pleaseeee?"

I agreed. We got in the shower and cleaned each other. He tried again and we had a quickie in the shower.

~Time skip~

We are getting dressed and I get a call. I step out the room.


"Hello. Is this Mr. Miranda?"


"I called to tell you that your order is ready."

"My order?" I thought for a second, "Oh!" so screamed, when I realized I was too loud I quieted down and started talking again, "Yes. My order. When can I pick it up?"

"It's ready for you now. It will be available for pick up until we close."

"Thank you."

"You're very welcome."

*Hangs up*

I squealed and danced around when Groff walked outside, he was wearing jeans and a t-shirt.

"No." I clearly stated, "Go change. A little more fancy."


"Yup, go. And I have to go pick something up for Pippa. So I'll be right back."

"You're leaving me?"

"For like 20 minutes. Should be enough time for you to be ready. When I come back we are leaving. Love you." I kiss him on the cheek, then left in a hurry.

I picked up Pippa and we talked. I asked about her and Steven and she said that they were amazing. I think they might get married. I told her that the order was ready for pick up and we left for the thing. We grabbed a quick coffee as I went over my day with her. She wished me luck with the event I had planned. Then I dropped her back off and headed home. I didn't get out the car when I got home, I just texted him and honked when he was taking too long.

When he came out I could tell he was annoyed with me. I smiled, kissed him then told him, "Thank you for being patient. I really do love you Jonathan."

"I love you too Lin. Maybe not all the time but I love you." I laughed because I knew he was joking but he was irritated so I let the side remark slide.

We drove for about 2 hours listening to music. Then Groff got impatient and started asking me over and over when we were going to get there. I told him to have patience.

~ Time skip ~

We arrive. It's a nice restaurant with a reservation to our name. This wasn't all I had planned but I had to make him think it was. We went inside and I asked for the "Groff special" (A little something I set up, as a surprise for him.) They brought out his favorite dish, then played "You'll be back" because I remember that song as the song that saved him.

We sang, ate, and laughed. We had a lot of fun. As it got dark I told Groff that we had one more stop to make.

~ Time skip ~

After about 20 mins of driving we arrived at a nice outdoor screening area. It was like a drive in but it was reserved for us, (You can do a lot when you offer up hamilton tickets) and there were decorations. We watched the last Harry potter movie, (Harry Potter and the deathly hallows pt. 2)

I really enjoyed the night and I hope Groff did too. As the movie ended, we had popcorn left over so we decided to stay for a while and snuggle up together. I told him that I had a blanket in the back seat (i did). I grabbed the blanket, and I grabbed something else.

I got back up. Then I threw the blanket on Groff as a distraction. While I set myself up.

He was laughing and cursing me because he kind of got stuck in the blanket which made me laugh as well.

He finally got it off his head, then looked at me. At first he asked why I was on the floor so I just started speaking.

"Jonathan Groff, you are the light to my heart. It's a very difficult path to get to my heart but you glided there with ease. You are the first thing I think about in the morning and when I go to sleep you are the last thing on my mind. I love love love you with all my heart and you make me happy. Happy as I have ever been and as I will ever be. Boy you make me helpless. So will you do me the honor of becoming my husband?"

He was stunned. He started stuttering, and when he couldn't find the words he just hugged me, and kissed me. I backed up and said "so?"

"Yes Lin Manuel Miranda, I will marry you!"


We hugged and cried, then laughed, and snuggled more. I was as happy as I have ever been. My crush just agreed to marry me.

We got in the car and started to drive home. I kept one hand on his. We got home and we celebrated our love. (You could imagine) as I was falling asleep. Groffsauce leaned over and told me,

"You are the love of my life. You are all I need. I'm happy I found you. You make me complete."

Wow. Poetry.

"I love you Groffsauce."

"I love you more."

"Never" I whispered. Then drifted off to sleep in his arms. With the smell of him deep in my brain.

*There will be more*

I won't leave you... (A messy Grofflin story)Where stories live. Discover now