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Lin's pov:

⚠️ Really sad ⚠️

They let me visit him. Alone. I cried. I talked to him and couldn't stop apologizing. He was mine, finally. I fucked up.

I stayed by his side for a week. I didn't change my clothes, I didn't eat, I cried too much.

I held his hand.

At the end of the week Pippa came to visit and it was the first time she'd seen me since he went under. She saw what a mess I was and she immediately tried to force me to go home. I told her that I couldn't.


"For starters," I started as a tear went down my face, "I can't leave him. What if something happens and I'm not here to help him."

She could tell I was broken so she didn't take my excuses. She told me,

"How about I take you home, and you shower, put on fresh clothes. Then we eat and come back?"

I agreed because I knew that she would never give up. I walk over to the unconscious Groff. I kissed his forehead and prayed as my tears fell onto his face, which only made me cry more. Pippa pulled me away from him, and we walked out. She walked me to my car when I saw the bloody hand print on the passenger car door. I almost threw up as I everything came rushing back to me.

"No!" I screamed. "I have to go back. I can't leave him." I tried to go back but Pippa stopped me, she saw the hand print and cried.

"We'll go in my car Lin. It's okay. I promise it's okay." I sobbed as we walked over to her car.

We got inside and I stared out the window the whole way home as music just played in the background.

~Time skip~

We got to my house and when we walked in memories came flooding back, good and bad, causing a single tear to roll down my face. She walked me to the shower and turned it on for me. I promised her I would get in and she left.

This time I did as she wished. I was showering and I closed my eyes and stood there. With my eyes closed the sound of Groff screaming when they pulled the knife out, filled my head. It was the only thing I could hear.

I turned off the shower and wiped my eyes as I opened them. There were no more tears for me to cry right now. Emptiness filled me as I sat down on the floor. Naked.

⚠️¡Trigger warning!⚠️

I sat on the floor as I searched for my hidden razor. I kept one hidden from Groff. I took the blade out the razor and began slicing at my thighs.

"You ruined his life" *Slice*

"He's never going to forgive you." *Slice x2*

"He's going to die because of you" *Slice x2*

"They don't care about you. They're only doing this out of pity" *Slice x2*

I was surrounded by blood when the sound came back. The sound of him screaming. His face filled my head. The scream was all I could hear. I screamed and started throwing things. Then Pippa came busting through the door. She saw the blood. Fuck.

She screamed,


She crouched down next to me, "No, no, no, no, no." She sobbed.

"Just let me go Pip please. I just wanna go." I cried.

"No!" She screamed.

She found something to bandage my cuts as I blacked out.

*3rd person pov*

Pippa bandaged him up and held him as she cried and kept repeating, "It's going to be okay."

It felt more like she was telling herself then Lin. She didn't know what to do. But she knew that it wouldn't be a good idea to take him to the hospital right now. Lin was blacked out but he was still conscious. Pippa helped clean him up, then walked him to his bedroom and sat him down, then grabbed scrubs to clean up the blood in the bathroom. Then she put the bathroom back together, taking out whatever he broke.

She went back to Lin who was in the same position she left him in and sat down next to him. She took a deep breath as she thought about a way to break the ice, when Lin laid his head across her lap. She soon realized that he didn't need to be questioned or talked to right now. He really just needed someone in his corner to help him.

She stroked his hair as she began to sing helpless. They stayed like that until Lin was ready to speak.

"Pip. I'm so sorry." He randomly said while he was still on her lap, "I never meant to be such a burden on you. I don't deserve you."

"Lin. You are seriously my best friend. I couldn't ask for anyone better. You bring joy and laughter to my life. And sure you go through shit, but who doesn't. I love you Lin. Never forget that."

He sat up, "You mean it?"

"Yeah. Of course I mean it. Come here you big baby." She chuckled as she pulled him in for a hug, "I love you."

"I love you too." He managed to get out, as his face was stuffed in her shirt.

They talked for a few then Pippa worked up the courage to ask,

"How long?"


"How long have you been cutting Lin." She watched his face drop, "Those cuts you made today weren't the only fresh ones, and they weren't the first ones because I could see the scars."

"I don't wanna talk about it."

"Lin baby. Please. It would help. But I'm not going to push you. If you don't wanna talk, you don't have to."

Lin thought on it. He put Pip through enough. She deserved to know anything she wanted to know.

"It started when my parents kicked me out. I was um living on the streets and that's when I first started. I was offered drugs and I'm not gonna lie, I tried them, but I didn't want to throw my life away like that. Then I um resorted to cutting. Then I found Vanessa and the cutting stopped. One day she saw them, and asked me why. I told her that was a story for another time. Eventually I told her why my parents threw me out. She did the same thing. When she kicked me out though she abused me, and um." He started to choke,

"Lin you don't have to." Pip tried to start.

"No. You deserve to know." *Sniffle* "After she abused me and ruined some of my belongings, I had my first anxiety induced seizure. The truth is, if it wasn't for her I'd be dead for many reasons. She um, she called the ambulance. They got there just in time. But that was my first and last so I never thought it could happen again. Until, well you know."

Lin straightened up and instantly asked, "Hey! Can we go back to visit Jonathan?"


"Pip. I swear I'm stable enough."

"Lin I just found you on your bathroom floor bleeding out. What if you died."

"Doesn't really matter." Lin mumbled

"What?!" Pippa yelled.

"I. I didn't." Lin stuttered.

"You know what. Yeah. I'll take you back to him, but your blood won't be on my hands anymore. Since it doesn't matter." She stormed out the room, "Get your ass up and let's go!" She yelled from the front door.

They left.

*I promise the story will end soon. I know it's long bare with me please😭*

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