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Lin woke up to the sound of Groff softly snoring in his ear. He thought he was dreaming so he just went back to sleep because he didn't want this moment to end.

Groff woke up about 5 minutes later realizing that he was still wrapped around Lin, he felt happy, so he went back to sleep as well.

Phillipa walked in about 1:00 pm, the doctors told her that they both looked too peaceful to be disturbed, and that Lin had actually been doing pretty well. So Pip quickly grabbed a snap of the two of them sleeping, and left a note for Lin with his doctor and told her to make sure only Lin saw this. Then she left.

Groff woke up again and shortly Lin woke up. He was happy it wasn't just a dream. Groff got up kissed the still sleepy Lin on the forehead and went to get coffee. When he got back Lin had fallen asleep again.

Next person to visit was Oak and Daveed. Groff filled them in on Lin's health and they left some get well gifts, along with some hamilton gifts, then left. Next was Jasmine and Anthony. They left some gifts, talked to Groff and made sure he was okay. Anthony sat beside Lin's bed as he was still passed out and whispered to him, "Get well man. You're the reason I'm still standing here. I can't lose you." Then they left. Last to come was Renee. She pulled Groff outside the room to talk to him.

"Oh my gosh did you sleep here?" She asked worried.

"Yeah but I slept perfectly fine." He quickly glanced at Lin who was starting to wake up.

Renee saw the way Groff looked at him, "Oh my."


"You totally like Lin." She said with a smile on her face.

"No, no I don't." Groff stuttered as he spoke.

"You're right how silly of me to think you like him."


"YOU'RE TOTALLY IN LOVE WITH HIM" She shouted. Laughing like crazy.

"Renee shut uppp already jeez." He smiled, nodded, and apologized to the doctors that were walking by.

"Okay okay, yes I like him, but he's my best friend. It's probably just a phase since he was hurt. I'm sure it's just a phase." He paused and thought about it, "Yeah totally."

Renee giggled as she asked, "Who you tryna convince me or you? Cause I'm not buying shit" and she bursted out laughing. She looked at her phone and said, "oh shit I gotta go. Love you lover boy." she kissed his cheek, went into the hospital room, kissed Lin's cheek and told him to get better, then left in a hurry.

Groff straighten himself up and went back into the room, as he noticed that Lin was just about fully awake now. He gave him his cup of coffee and sat down in the chair next to him, "Good morning sleepy head."

Lin smiled, "Morning Groffsauce."

"How'd you sleep."

Lin started thinking of the feeling of being held by Groff all night, and he smiled as his heart warmed up, "I slept amazing."

"Good. How do you feel?"

"Are you my doctor or something" Lin joked. "I'm feeling great. In fact I feel like I could go home right now."

Groff laughed as Lin's face lit up at the thought of going home. Then presented him with good news,

"Well the doctors said that you could go home after a few checkups actually."

"Really?! I thought I had to wait until tonight."

"Yeah but they said that they came in while you were sleeping and you ended up having a real speedy recovery. Must've had a miracle of a dream."

"You know it!"

When the doctors came in to do the checkups, Groff stepped out to call Pippa to ask her to pick them up. Meanwhile the doctor gave the note to Lin which read,

*Hey! I came to visit while you were sleeping. Check your phone I left you a little surprise :)*

Lin could tell it was Phillipa who left the note by the hand writing. He checked his phone and a text from Pippa said, "Check your camera roll." and in his camera roll was a picture of Groff cuddling Lin as they slept. Lin was overly happy that it wasn't a dream.

Groff walked back in the room, "What you smiling at?"

"Nothing" Lin quickly answered as he set his phone down. "Oh really?" Groff said. "Yeah really." Lin answered. He knew what was gonna happen next so he prepared himself.

Groff launched himself at Lin who bursted out laughing. Lin hadn't been happy in a while because of the stress of the show and what happened over the course of yesterday. This felt nice, having him best friend being his best friend again. Groff almost had his phone when the doctor walked in and said, "Oh should I come back at a different time?"

Groff and Lin started laughing as Groff let go of his phone and told the doctor that she was good. She came inside and checked Lin's vitals again and told him, "Now remember you can perform on Monday but you need to take your meds, and you need to watch yourself. Okay?" Lin nodded and didn't care because he was so happy that he would get to go home with his best friend.

Finally Pippa arrived and the doctors gave Lin the all clear for the last time. They blasted hamilton songs on the way to Lin's apartment and sang along of course. They looked dumb but they didn't care. Lin felt like he was on top of the world. He was with his two best friends that made him feel so special.

I won't leave you... (A messy Grofflin story)Where stories live. Discover now