That morning

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Groff woke up as he realized Lin wasn't in his arms anymore, that's when he heard crying in the bathroom. He knocked.

*No response*

Groff bursted into the bathroom and the first thing he noticed was a half naked Lin on the floor sobbing. Next thing he noticed was what was on the inside of Lin's thighs.

Groff's pov:

I knocked on the door and when I didn't get a response I decided that I wasn't just going to go back to sleep, plus I could hear Lin crying. I bursted into the bathroom. Lin's clothes laid on the floor, he was half naked, just sobbing on the floor.

"No no no." I said. The next thing I noticed was the inside of his thighs. "Fuck!" I said out loud.

"Lin, you didn't" I said about to cry, "No."

I helped the almost limp Lin up, and carried him to bed. I then kissed his thighs where the scars laid.

I prayed in my head *Lord please protect this man with all your might. He's all I have. I can't live without him.*

I then put clothes on his body, his face looked numb. Dried up tears, and a blank expression. I called his name.

No response.

"Lin. I know you're going through hell right now and I couldn't begin to imagine what's going through your head. But." I grabbed his hands, kissed them, then pulled him in for a hug as I whispered, "I love you. With all my heart Lin I really do love you. More than you know."

I stepped out the room for a second to call the director to ask him to put in a understudy for me and Lin. There's no way he can go in like this. And I wouldn't trust myself not to freak out not know that Lin isn't with me.

I called Pippa and told her that we wouldn't be going in, she sounded sad as she said, "okay." I then went back in the room.

Lin was sitting there, fresh tears rolling down his face. I wiped them, "Lin hun. Are you hungry?" he shook his head.

"Wanna rest for a few more minutes?" he nodded.

I tucked him in on his side and once again held onto him, but I held on tight as he fell asleep in my arms. I didn't sleep. I couldn't. I was worried too much.

3rd person pov:

Lin woke up he looked at Groff whose eyes were barley opened. Lin shook him a little, "We have to get ready, we have a show."

"No, I called ahead, Michael said he would put in our understudies."

Lin felt a little relieved. "Thank you." Lin said as he kissed Groff's forehead. Groff groaned and said, "come back to sleep." So he did.

Lin placed his forehead in Groff's chest, took a deep breath of him, man he loved how he smelled. Then as he wrapped his arm around Groff's waist, he felt Groff's hand wrap around his lower back, above the burn mark. They fell asleep like that. Didn't have a care in the world. They only cared about being in each other's arms, and they were grateful to have each other as best friends.

*This chapter was short hope you still liked it though.*

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