Sunday pt. 2

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Pippa drove herself home, then Groff drove Lin and himself home, still blasting hamilton. They both felt so lucky to have each other as best friends, they just didn't know how to express it to each other. Lin decided to put aside his feelings for Groff for as long as he could, so they could focus on being best friends, and roomies first.

When they got home Lin insisted on opening Groff's door for him just so he could announce, "Welcome Home Groffsauce!" Groff grabbed his stiff out the trunk, and set up in the guest room as Lin cooked. Groff had to go pick up some more clothes from his ex's house who wasn't so happy that Groff looked so happy. And she shouted some things at him, but Groff tried to think about the bright side, and coming home to his favorite cooked meal, and his best friend really helped brighten the mood.

When Groff got home Lin sat him down and asked how it was going back to the house, and Groff told the truth,

"She was mad, she hated the fact that I seemed 'too happy' and she threw some of my clothes at me when I asked for them, and called me some names. But I'm happy to leave the relationship once and for all," Groff said with a smile on his face, "That was toxic and I didn't need that. I'm happy and blessed to have someone like you in my life Lin."

It was gonna be a lot harder to keep his feelings under control than Lin thought. He blushed as Groff said that, and smiled like crazy. Groff loved Lin's smile. Lin then prayed over their food and held onto Groff's hands extra tight as he said,

"And thank you god for giving me the best best friend I could ever ask for. I know I don't deserve him but thank you so so much. Amen." and they ate.

They ended up watching a movie and before they fell asleep, Renee, Oak, Anthony, Jasmine, Pippa and Daveed entered the home.

"How." Lin started

"You gave me a key a long time ago to take care of your dog." Pippa quickly answered, "Now let's get some drinks out and celebrate our last night of freedom." They all laughed as Anthony pulled out a bottle, and Lin grabbed a bottle from the cabinet.

They celebrated their last night and they re-celebrated Lin "not throwing away his shot, at being a big shot." Oak explained. It truly felt like a family, the type of family Lin wished he had. Nobody really talked about what happened Saturday night, because they knew it made Lin uncomfortable. Pippa asked to speak to Lin in the kitchen, and Renee asked to speak to Groff in the guest room (which was now his.)

Pippa and Lin's conversation:

"So have you. You know?" Pip started

"No." Lin answered, "I've decided to keep it on the low since he moved in. I don't want to pressure him."

"Oh my goshhh! You have every excuse in the book don't you?" Pip exclaimed, "Did you not see the surprise I left you in your phone?"

"I did."

"And that didn't motivate you to tell Groff about your feelings?"



"Okay so what if it did." Lin said after cracking under pressure from Pippas stare, "Geez. You have to stop doing that, it's how you got me to tell you I was bisexual in the first place. It's annoying."

"Says you." Pippa shot back, "Anyway, so why did you decide not to tell him?"

"Because Pip. I put him through a lot and he is my best friend and I'm okay with hiding my feelings as long as I get to stay best friends with him. He's the light of my life, the reason I smile." Pippa made a face, "And so are you of course." Lin added in laughing.

"Mhm, anyway continue."

"He's just perfect, and what we have is perfect, I don't want to ruin that Pip. I just want to recover fully, and make sure I can handle the rejection without going full panic attack, before I tell him anything."

Pippa tried to argue that he never knows if Groff will reject him or not, but Lin won the argument and they negotiated that Lin needed to tell him at some point in the next 2 months. Or she would spill the beans.

Since they were in the kitchen, they decided to wash the dishes.

Renee and Groff's conversation:

"Soooo" Renee started while nudging Groff's arm.


She looked disappointed, "Have you said anything to Lin about the way you feel?"

"No! why would I do that?" He asked.

"Because you like him, and now you're living with the man for crying out loud."

"I told you, it was probably just a phase. There's no way I like Lin." Groff knew by now that he was lying to Renee and himself, but he didn't care, he just got out of a relationship.

"I don't know where I went wrong with you Groff." Renee exclaimed, "I need actually reasons, or I will go out there and tell him myself."

"Go ahead" Groff tested her.

"Really? Okay!" She went for the door, Groff quickly hopped in front of her, "Okay okay!" he started, "Okay! I know not to test you."

"Mhm" she gestured for him to sit on the bed, he went, "Now tell me, and real reasons or so help me with god as my witness I will walk out there and shout it from the rooftops that you, Jonathan Groff, likes Lin Manuel Miranda."

"Damn Renee, you ain't gotta do me like that."

"Jonathan you have 5 seconds to start speaking." She was standing there, arms crossed.

"Okay, okay. First off, Lin just went through something traumatic, and I don't want to put a lot of pressure on him. Second, I just got out of an extremely toxic situation, so I don't know if I can be a good partner right now." Groff prayed that was enough.

Renee sat down next to him on the bed and pulled him in for a hug. "I love you, you know that right?"

"You? Love me?" Groff joked. Renee hit him in the head with a pillow, they laughed, then Groff said, "Yes of course I know you love me. I love you too."

Renee pulled him in for another hug when Anthony walked in, "Oh, hug session!" Anthony ran at them, jumped and hugged them, next was Daveed, Jasmine, then Oak. They all fell to the floor eventually, and Lin walked in, "What the hell happened."

"Hug dog pile" Oak answered simply.


Pippa walked in, "Hug dog pile?"

Everyone nodded. Then they all laughed, and stood up,

"Well guys! We have a big day tomorrow so go home get some rest!" Lin said.

They all said their goodbyes and Renee was the last to leave as she whispered to Groff, "You have 2 months to tell him or I will." She kissed him on the cheek and went off.

Lin and Groff cleaned up some more and Groff eventually went to sleep. Lin couldn't sleep at first. So he played some music, it must've woken Groff up because at about 12:00am, Groff walked into Lin's room which startled Lin.

"Did I wake you?" Lin asked,

"No," Groff answered, "maybe." he smiled, "Can't sleep?"

Lin shook his head, "Too many thoughts."

"Do I need to stay in here to make sure you fall asleep before your big day?"

"You mean our big day?"

"Whatever." Groff brushed his side comment off, as he climbed in bed and waited for Lin to climb in. Then he wrapped his arm around Lin, and they fell asleep almost instantly in each other's arms."

*Do you guys like it so far? Leave a comment, and if you don't, let me know what I can do to make it better for ya'll!*

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