That night

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*This may or may not contain sexual scenes :)*

Lin stumbled in the door. Groff immediately shot up.

"Hey."  Groff tried.


"Um. Can we tak?"

"Can it wait?" Lin wouldn't make eye contact.


"Well I have to go to sleep."

"I'm aware."

"So can we talk later." Lin's expression was dull.

"Lin. No." Groff stood in front of Lin refusing to move out of the way.

"Groff I really don't want to do this right now. Can I go?" Lin asked. As fresh tears formed in his eyes.

"I already know what you're gonna say." *Sniffle* "You don't feel the same but you don't want to ruin our friendship. I've gone over this a million times in my hea." Lin's sentence was cut off by a soft feeling on his lips, shutting him up.

Groff pulled apart, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry Lin."

Lin thought about it for a second. *Did this really happen? Did the Jonathan Groff, my best friend who I've loved for an eternity, just kiss me? Me? No way.*

Lin looked at Groff eyes. He could tell that Groff felt pain, and he just wanted to take away that pain. Lin went in for another kiss, he loved the feeling that he longed for. Groff's soft lips touching his. Groff pulled away for a second as their foreheads stayed linked,

"Are you sure?" He whispered

"I've been sure my entire life." Lin whispered back.

As Groff smiled and pulled him back in for a kiss. Groff then pushed Lin up against the wall, as he somehow lifted Lin, while pinning his back on the wall. Lin moaned as Groff kissed his way to his neck, and started giving him a hickey.

Lin ran his hands through Groff's hair and moaned as Groff continued to suck on his neck. Lin then grew hungry for the feeling of his lips on Groff's. Lin whispered, "Wanna take this to the bed room." Groff responded, "I thought you'd never ask."

Lin led Groff to his room and when Groff shut the door Lin was there, pinning him against the wall as they kissed. This time Lin moved his tongue into Groff's mouth, asking for passage way. Groff allowed him. Lin then began to take off his clothes. Groff did the same. When Lin was left in a tank top and Groff was shirtless, Lin ran his fingers along Groff's perfect body. Then looked up and smiled. Groff loved for that smile that was plastered on Lin's face.

Groff led Lin to bed as they crawled in, "I can't believe this is happening." Lin said.

Groff went to brush a hair out of Lin's face when Lin flinched Groff started to realize what Lin has been going through. He held him tight as he asked, "Would you like to take this slow."

Lin nodded. Groff pulled him in so close that Lin could smell everything. Lin was happy to be facing Groff's chest as he snuggled in so he could be extra warm. Groff kissed Lin's forehead and told him,

"I will never hurt you. I love you Lin."

"I love you too Groffsauce." Lin said back. Both of them went to sleep smiling hard. They both slept safe and sound. For the first time in months, Lin felt at home. He felt safe lying there in Groff's arms.

Groff thought himself the luckiest person in the world to have a best friend like Lin. He didn't know exactly what they were now but Groff was happy, and so was Lin.

*Sorry it was short! Did you like it?*

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