A week later

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*3rd person pov*

Lin had started to open up to Groff more. He stopped cutting so much. There was only one other night Groff had stopped Lin from cutting. That time Lin had a breakdown and Groff happened to be there.

Things have been going right for both of them. By this time Lin was pretty sure Groff felt the way he felt, but still had his doubts. Groff felt confident that Lin felt how he felt.

Lin had issues where he would fall to easily. It happened with friends and it would happen with relationships. Lin wanted everything with Groff to be absolutely perfect. So he needed to be sure that Groff liked him.

Lin asked Groff if he wanted to go out to dinner since the only show they had today was early. They went through the show, Groff couldn't help but think about why Lin would randomly ask him to dinner.

Lin was nervous about the dinner. He didn't know how it would go, but he planned with Pippa, to finally tell Groff how he felt. He would've never even imagined doing this in a thousand years but Pippa helped him get thru his insecurities and fears. She had some pretty good points. Pippa didn't know about the cuts though. Groff promised to keep it a secret, and they don't really talk about it but occasionally Groff checks on Lin. If Lin is having a nightmare, Groff sleeps in the same bed as him, and they cuddle. Other than that they sleep in different rooms.

The show ended, and Lin drove Groff back to the house telling him that he had 20 mins to get ready. It wasn't a lot of time but he didn't want to be late for the reservation.

They got to the restaurant and Groff soon realized that Lin had brought him to his favorite restaurant. Groff hugged Lin and said, "Yayyy!" They laughed and got out.

They got greeted and were asked if they had reservations, Lin said, "Yes. It should be under Miranda." She nodded and said, "Welcome Miranda and guest. Hope you enjoy your food."

"Ooh reservations." Groff teased.

Lin laughed and shoved him as they walked to their seats. It was a nice little corner, a bit isolated from everyone else, which was exactly what Lin needed. Groff liked it.

They sat down and were told that their waiter would be here to take their orders soon.

Groff couldn't help but look at Lin as he was all nervous. Groff thought it was very cute. Lin was dressed in a nice blue vest, on top of a very cute shirt. Groff thought he looked perfect.

"So, Linnamonroll." Groff started

"Linnamonroll?" Lin chuckled. He liked it.

"Yeah. You have Groffsauce which I have no idea when you started calling me that or why, but now I have a nickname for you." Groff smiled, hoping he would like it.

"I love it." Lin smiled. Groff smiled. Getting lost on what he was about to say. It felt like he was under a spell. Lin laughed, "Groffsauce, are you gonna continue?"

Groff chuckled nervously, "Yeah, um, so I know we're best friends. But why did you bring me here? With all your fancy reservations." Lin got nervous. He thought that Groff hated him for bringing him here. That's it he's not gonna tell Groff how he feels. He was in his own head.

Groff noticed Lin's smile fade as his face filled with nerves. Groff quickly said, "I mean I absolutely love and appreciate it, as well as you." Groff grabbed Lin's hand, "But seriously, I can tell that you're nervous. What's up?"

"Okay. Yes I have something to tell you. But you're gonna have to wait until we get food."

"Why" Groff whined, "I want to know now."

"Well that's too bad." Lin laughed.

Groff's hand didn't move until the food got here. He moved it to eat. He didn't really realize that he never moved his hand before but Lin did, and it made him feel strong. It made him officially decide that he was gonna do it. He was gonna tell his best friend that he likes him. Hopefully this went well.

The food came. Groff probed at him again.

"Soo Lin? Are you gonna tell me?"

"I'm sorry. I can't hear you through my eating." Lin laughed and almost spit out his food at the look on Groff's face.

Groff couldn't keep a straight face for long so he laughed as they finished. Lin payed after a long argument with Groff as to why he should pay instead of Groff. Eventually he just slipped the waiter his card when Groff wasn't looking. Groff then asked one last time,

"Are you going to tell me now."

"I guess."

Long silence.

"Lin. Don't be nervous." He placed his hand on Lin's again, "What is it?"

"Um." The feeling of Groff's warm hand on his, and the way Groff looked at him worried. His nice eyes. Lin could get lost in Groff's eyes. Groff snapped him back to reality, "Lin hun?" Concern growing deeper.

The words *Lin hun* was all Lin needed.

"Groff this may be weird but I think I like you. Actually. I think I've fallen in love with you." Lin braced himself for rejection. What happened next was worse.

"Really. Lin um." Was all Groff could say.

Lin immediately felt embarrassed. He slowly removed his hand from under Groff's as tears filled his eyes. Groff had no idea what was happening. He thought he said more, in his head he said more. Why couldn't he express what he was feeling. Inside, Groff was jumping with joy that Lin actually liked him back.

Lin stopped the tears from falling while the waiter came back with Lin's card. That's all he needed as a cue to get up and leave. He placed the keys on the table, "I um. I need to do something. Take the car go home."


"Jonathan. Go home."

"Lin." Was all Groff could say as Lin sped walk out of the restaurant as to not make such a big scene. Groff's instinct kicked in as he went after Lin. Lin was long gone though. He could see Lin as he raced down the street on foot.

"Lin!" It was no use. Groff just knew that Lin was balling. He needed to go home in case Lin got back. He needed to be there before Lin. As Groff was driving he just kept replaying it in his head. Thought through so many different scenarios where Lin would've left happy. Happy to be Groff's. He kept replaying the way Lin said "Jonathan" he could hear the pain in his voice and he could tell Lin wasn't allowing himself to cry. Groff called Pippa,

"Pip. If Lin calls you. Please tell him to come home." Groff pulled in the driveway, "Don't let him know that you talked to me."

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah." Lie. "He just went on a jog and I miss him." Groff forced a smile, as his eyes filled with tears because he knew he fucked up. He could tell Lin wasn't home.

"Okay Groff. Talk to you later, and I'll let you know if Lin calls." She hung up.

Groff grabbed a tub of ice cream and sat on the couch until 1:00 am when Lin stumbled in the door.

I won't leave you... (A messy Grofflin story)Where stories live. Discover now