The big day:

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"Good morning Linimanroll" Groff woke Lin up, "It's you're day!"

"Ughhh 5 more minutes." Lin growled

"Woah! and no! get up!" Groff grabbed Lin and forced him to stand as he set up his shower and put him inside. Lin's clothes got wet.

"Ima kill you."

"Yeah yeah, kill me after your shower."

When Lin finished he got dressed and walked back out to Groff making breakfast, "Whatcha making?"


"Oooh my" Lin started,

"Favorite" Groff finished

"How'd you know?" Lin asked, "I'm your best friend it's my job to know." Groff answered.

~Time skip~

*Five minutes to places*

Lin started getting anxious but Pippa walked in, "Hey look at me. You got this! You're gonna kill it out there. Get outta your head and just have fun with it." And she hugged him.

"Thanks Pip."

"She's right you know." It was Groff as he joined the hug. Pippa smiled, and made a face at Lin as she left.

"Groffsauce how are you not dressed?" Lin asked laughing,

"Well I don't go out when ya'll do so technically I have time."

"If you don't go get dressed." They laughed as Lin walked to his place, and Groff went to get dressed.

~Time skip~

Backstage after the show:

"THE PLAY WAS A SUCCESS THE PLAY WAS A SUCCESS!" Lin yelled as he jumped into Groff's arms. He quickly realized what he did and jumped down, "Sorry." he said.

"No, you're good. I love it when you're all excited, and you're right, the play was a success, congrats!" Groff simply hugged Lin as the rest of the cast met up with them,

"We should go out to eat." Daveed suggested.

"Man are you ever not hungry." Anthony laughed

Everyone joined in laughter. Thayne then came out with two baskets full of cookies, "Wait? Cookies before or after we eat?" he asked

Daveed grabbed like 4 cookies, "Both" he answered as he stuffed his mouth with a cookie. Everyone laughed and got ready for dinner.

Pippa pulled Lin to the side, "Change of plans"


"You have until a week after Groff's birthday to tell him."

"What Pip? His birthday is in 2 weeks."

"Not my problem. Let's go eat."

Dinner was great! They sang Lin a celebration song and bought him a desert. Lin made a speech, and the night went perfect. Lin and Groff got home and slept in separate beds this time.

*I decided that the like 3 people who read these, deserve to have a happy character here and there😁*

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