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Lin woke up at 12:00 pm to an alarm he doesn't remember setting, titled,


Lin still being a little sleepy, got up, showered and texted Groff,

"Groffsauce, did you really set an alarm on my phone while I wasn't looking?"

"Lin I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about but did you take your fat butt to the shower?"

Lin smiled at his phone, then thought to himself, "What if Phillipa is right? Ughhh!"  Then a text message snapped him out of his thoughts.

"Hello, you didn't answer my question." It was Groff

"Yes, yes I showered. Now where are you taking me?"

"That would ruin the surprise wouldn't it?"

Lin knew that he wouldn't be able to argue his way out of this one since he knew Groff loved surprises, so he just let it be and asked Groff what time he would be here.

No response.

Lin was about to text him again but then he heard his door open.  Groff stumbled in, "WHAT? How are you still in a towel. It's already 1:00 and the alarm was set for 12:00"

Lin was just stunned that Groff had burst into his apartment, and Groff could tell what Lin was about to ask so he just said, "You gave me a key a month ago to take care of your dog, and never took it back. I guess it came to use" He smiled. Lin smiled.

Then Groff said, I'll walk the dog, you get dressed, geez. And I guess I can't call you fat anymore." Lin forgot he was in his towel as Groff stared at his lil four pack that was starting to come in.

Lin just walked off into his room as he heard Groff grab his dog and leave to take him on a walk.

"Okay Lin," he said to himself, "The sad truth is that Phillipa is right, but you'll never admit that to her, but more importantly, what are you gonna do? Groff is straight and has a girlfriend. Well you better get dressed before he kills you."

Later in the car:

"So Groffsauce, how are you and Corey?"

There was a small pause which Lin couldn't help but notice.

"Uh we're good," Groff answered, "Is there anyone in your life sir?"

Lin got a little nervous but answered, "no"

Lin noticed Groff smile, smiled himself, then asked, "So now are you ready to tell me where we are going?"

Groff turned up the radio and responded, "I'm sorry I can't hear you!"

Groff always did this, and it always made Lin laugh.
So they rode like that the rest of the way, which was long.

When they got to the destination, Lin had no idea where they were, it was just this building that kind of looked abandoned. Groff grabbed a basket out of the back of his car that Lin didn't notice and told Lin to follow him.

They went to the top of the building, Groff took a blanket out of the basket, then they sat there and stared at each other.

That's when Lin asked, "Where are we?" He looked around and noticed something he hadn't before, there were flower beds on top of this building. dandelions, roses, sunflowers, all types of flowers. Lin then asked, "And how did you find this place?"

Groff sighed and answered, "One day I needed to get away from Corey, and stumbled upon this. It's been my secret place for a while so I decided who best to share my secret with than my best friend." Lin smiled then realized what he said.

I won't leave you... (A messy Grofflin story)Where stories live. Discover now