Lin's parents

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*This chapter is extremely intense, may be triggering, or too much, I just wrote how I felt so I'm so sorry*

What the hell. Lin's parents knew there were people around and so did Lin. They asked if they could come in, Lin didn't want to make a scene, "Sure whatever."

The second the door was shut Lin's mother slapped him, "What the hell was that boy!" She exclaimed. Lin didn't know what to do, all he knew was that he couldn't have a panic attack. Not here. Not now. Not in front of them.

"What? What did I do?" Lin tried with everything in him not to cry.

"20 years later and you're still a disgrace to this whole family. With your stupid show, and the way you're a fagg- I can't believe you're our son." His dad said next.

Lin went over to the window, "You listen to me when I'm talking to you young man." He grabbed Lin by the shoulder and threw him onto the couch in his dressing room, "You stupid fagg- don't make me put you into your place like last time." He smiled as he started choking Lin, he turned to his wife, "I think his reminder is starting to fade don't you think?"
His mom smiled and nodded as she lifted up his shirt, and pulled his pants down enough to see his waist. What sat there was a cross mark burned onto his skin. "I think he might even need a new one." She said laughing. The husband laughed with her.

He let go of Lin's neck as Lin gasped for air. His dad then said, "Don't ever fucking disrespect us by posting a video of you kissing some boy. I hope you learned your lesson."

They left the dressing room laughing like crazy. Lin cried, and continued to gasp for air, as Pippa and Groff came rushing in seeing Lin start to shake on the couch. They shut the door and as his pants were still pulled down, they both saw the cross mark.

They looked at each other, both had the same amount of fear in their eyes. Groff sat Lin up, and held him as he continued to gasp and cry. Pippa went to find Lin's meds that the doctor put him on.

He took his meds to help him calm down, as Groff held him close to his chest.

Pippa was scared out of her mind. She saw the slap mark on his face, the hand marks around his throat, and the image of the cross burned onto him couldn't escape her head, same with Groff. Lin eventually fell asleep in Groff's arms and Pippa left to grab them some food.

~Time skip~

Pippa got back and Lin woke up. He was light headed, and was happy that he smelled food. His favorites in fact. Mc Donald's.

They ate in silence. Lin grabbed his phone and tears came to his eye as he thought about what he read this morning. Pippa and Groff looked to each other as they notice him tear up in front of them. Pippa asked, "Lin. What is it?"

He decided it was time to fess up about what had been happening all week, "After we posted the video of me kissing Groff at his birthday party," *sniffle* "I started getting messages. At first it was people being happy that I did it. And only a few hate messages here and there. The positive ones held a special place in my heart though." He couldn't look any of them in the eye, "Then about Tuesday, the hate messages started coming in more and more frequent to the point where I couldn't even see the positive ones," *Sniffle* "Then um. This morning I got a text from a random number." He couldn't continue, so he gave the phone to Pippa to read, as Groff hugged him.

She read, "I used to look up to you but now that you're a fagg- I can only think about how I want to murder you while you sleep, and everyone you love. You have no place on this earth. God doesn't accept you so why should I. Fuck you Lin Manuel Miranda. You deserve to rot in hell." She broke down after reading it.

Groff then asked, "Why?" He started crying, "Lin. You don't have to keep shit like this to yourself. We love you, you didn't have to go through it alone."

Lin couldn't speak he was still traumatized from everything that happened.

"Is this why you left super early this morning?"

Lin nodded.


"Is that why you broke down during 'Dear Theodosia' and 'It's quiet uptown'?"

Lin shook his head.

He decided that now was the time to let everything out, "During 'Dear Theodosia' my parents walked in.
During 'It's quiet uptown' my ex walked in."

"Vanessa?" Groff asked.

Lin nodded.

He started to cry again so he left to go to the bathroom. While he was gone Pippa asked Groff what was the deal with his parents and his ex. Groff knew it was wrong, but he told her what Lin told him in the hospital. She started to cry.

Lin got back, Pippa immediately ran to him and threw herself onto him as she cried.

Eventually she backed away, "Lin, stop thinking that you're the only person you have. I promise you that you have two best friends that love you more than anything in this world. You don't have to go through shit alone no matter how small or big. Talk to us."

Lin nodded, and thanked them for being here. He told them that he'd probably be dead without them. He then smiled a genuine smile to them and cleaned up the food, as they walked him to his car.

When they got to it, Lin almost fell over. His tires had been completely slashed, and the words

*You'll regret this*

Was spray painted onto the side of the car. Lin already knew. Vanessa.

Groff drove Lin home and texting Pippa telling her that they got home safely. Groff helped Lin into the house. They both got changed into their pajamas, and Groff climbed in bed with Lin. He put his arm around Lin, holding at his stomach like he had did at the hospital.  And they both fell asleep quickly from the crying.

Lin's dream:

"Grab him Babe." his mother yelled, as his farther grabbed him out of the bed, and held him down. As his mother pulled his pants down. Lin had no idea what was happening, then he felt a burning sensation on his lower back, more on his hip.

"Ahhhh!" He screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Shut up boy! We're getting rid of the devil." his mother exclaimed as his dad stuffed a sock into his mouth.

Lin woke up. He felt like he was gonna throw up so he quickly found a way to move Groff's arm with out waking him. He ran to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. he then ripped his clothes off his body and laid on the cold bathroom floor because he was sweeting like crazy from the nightmare. 

*I am so sorry if that was too much. I promise you that is the worst thing that happens. If it was too intense or triggering then I am so so sorry.*

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